Publications about Depression

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Thumbnail of the cover of the booklet Depression. A detailed booklet that describes Depression symptoms, causes, and treatments, with information on getting help and coping. En Español
Depression and College Students
Cover image of Depression and College Students publication Many people experience the first symptoms of depression during their college years. This booklet describes what depression is, how it affects college students, and treatment options.
Men and Depression
Men and Depression A detailed booklet that describes what you need to know about depression in men: how it looks, how it feels, getting help, and getting better. En Español
Women and Depression: Discovering Hope
Women and Depression A booklet that describes the symptoms, treatment and factors contributing to depression that are unique to women. En Español


depression trifold cover A brochure on depression that explains what it is and how to get help. En Español
Depression and Cancer
Cover image of Depression and Cancer publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including cancer. En Español
Depression and Chronic Pain
Cover image for the Depression and Chronic Pain publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including chronic pain. En Español
Depression and Diabetes
Cover image for the Depression and Diabetes publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including diabetes. En Español
Depression and Heart Disease
Cover image for the Depression and Heart Disease publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including heart disease. En Español
Depression and HIV/AIDS
Cover image for the Depression and HIV/AIDS publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including HIV/AIDS. En Español
Depression and Osteoporosis
Cover image for the Depression and Osteoporosis publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including osteoporosis. En Español
Depression and Parkinson's Disease
Cover image for the Depression and Parkinson's Disease publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including Parkinson's disease. En Español
Depression and Stroke
Cover image for the Depression and Stroke publication. This brochure describes the signs and symptoms of depression and how it is linked to other illnesses, including stroke. En Español
Depression in Women
cover of depression in women publicatoin An easy-to-read booklet on depression in women that explains what it is, when it starts, how long it lasts, and how to get help
Men and Depression
Cover image for Men and Depression publication Men and women may experience depression very differently. This brochure describes common signs and symptoms, and treatment options for depression in men. En Español
Older Adults and Depression
Cover image for older adults and depression publication Depression is not a normal part of aging. This brochure describes the signs, symptoms, and treatment options of depression in older adults. En Español
Suicide in America: Frequently Asked Questions
suicide in america trifold cover - thumbnail A brief overview of the statistics on depression and suicide with information on depression treatments and suicide prevention En Español

Fact Sheets

Depression and High School Students
Woman with arm around girl who is crying Answers to students’ frequently asked questions about depression.
Depression in Children and Adolescents (Fact Sheet)
Girl looking into distance. A fact sheet that describes the development in our understanding of how depression affects children and adolescents and the direction of future research.
Older Adults: Depression and Suicide Facts (Fact Sheet)
older woman walking with a dog A brief overview of the statistics on depression and suicide in older adults, with information on depression treatments and suicide prevention

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