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Five Tips to Make Your Halloween Safe

Who doesn’t love trick-or-treating? It’s fun going from house to house to collect as much candy as possible before your bag bursts. This year, make sure you have an extra safe Halloween night with these trick-or-treat tips.

  • When you’re making your costume, make sure you can see. Masks can make it hard to see, so try face paint instead. And make sure that other people can see you in your costume. Wear light colors and ask your parents to put reflective tape on your costume so cars can see you.

  • Does your costume have a long cape or are you wearing a long dress? Make sure it won’t make you trip and fall. You don’t want to spill all the candy you collected!

  • Plot out a trick or treat map with your mom or dad. Figure out which houses you want to go to and how long you think you’ll be gone. If Mom and Dad aren’t going with you, make sure you carry the map so you don’t get lost.

  • Let your mom and dad look at your candy before you eat any of it. Throw out any candy that has an open or damaged wrapper.

  • Candy is yummy, but if you eat too much of it you’ll get sick. That’s why Mom or Dad only let you eat a couple pieces each day. If you want to learn how much candy is too much, play the Halloween Candy game.

Now you’re all set to go out and collect as much candy as you can!

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