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Prepare for an Emergency 


Take Action!

Don’t wait – make a plan with your family today.

Make an emergency supply kit.
Gather supplies like water, medicines, and blankets. You won’t have time to search or shop for these supplies during an emergency, so put together your kit now. Make sure your kit includes:

  • Water for at least 3 days. You’ll need at least 1 gallon of water a day for each person and pet.
  • Food for at least 3 days. Choose foods that don’t need a refrigerator, like energy bars, peanut butter, crackers, and canned fruit (don’t forget a can opener). Find out how to keep food safe during an emergency.
  • Prescription medicine that you take every day, like heart or diabetes medicine.
  • A first aid kit to treat cuts, burns, and other basic injuries. Find out what to put in your family’s first aid kit. External Links Disclaimer Logo You can also buy first aid kits at many stores.
  • A flashlight and extra batteries.
  • A whistle to call for help.

Keep your emergency supplies together in a backpack, bag, or easy-to-carry container. Use a waterproof container if possible.

For more help putting together your kit, print out this emergency supply kit checklist [PDF - 163 KB].

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