Meeting Locator

This page is designed to help you locate a meeting. 

Please follow these directions to locate the nearest FA meeting.

  1. Enter your zip code, or city & state in the box marked “address” to locate the nearest meeting.
  2. Set the radius search criteria.  If,  for example, you do not find a meeting within your initial distance criteria, expand it by clicking on the pull down menu.
  3. Once you have located a meeting on the list below the map, click on that and a pop-up will appear with that meeting’s specific information (contact number, day, time and exact location of the meeting).
  4. If you wish, click on the link “directions” for your chosen meeting and print them.
  5. We RECOMMEND making contact with the group prior to going to the meeting.  This ensures that the information in the directory is current and that you won’t be disappointed when you get to the meeting. 
Enter Your Address or Zip Code Above.


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