DoD Issuances Website

Search Current DoD Issuances, Forms & Issuance Process

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Search Current does not query documents classified as FOUO or higher The "Search Current" function on the classified DoD Issuance SIPRNET site ( must be used to search all current issuances classified FOUO or higher.

Enter keywords below and click "Search". Use the dropdown menu for more search options.

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ISSUANCE NUMBER RANGE example: "instructions 3200..3300" or "1000.01..1000.99"
SEARCH WIDENING example: "helicopter OR aircraft"
WORD EXCLUSION example: "vehicles -aircraft -emergency"
PHRASE SEARCHES example: "father-in-law"
DATE RANGE example: "directive 2001..2011"
allintext: example: "allintext:helicopter aircraft"
daterange: example: "aircraft daterange:2001-01-13..2011-01-13"
intext: example: "intext:aircraft"
For more comprehensive advanced search information, click here