
 While drug addiction respects no geographic, ethnic, economic, or social boundaries, there are some issue areas and specific populations that deserve our focused effort.

Policy Priorities and Initiatives

ONDCP is focused on a number of ongoing initiatives and key policy areas, including:

Special Populations

The Administration is proposing new policies and practices that will improve the way the Federal government responds to the special populations, including: 

Drug Endangered Children

Stemming in part from the methamphetamine crisis, the Drug Endangered Children (DEC) movement began during the past decade in response to the growing challenge of child endangerment and neglect involving children exposed to dangerous chemicals while living and playing among meth labs in homes and other areas. As part of an interagency task force, resources are available for law enforcement officials, child welfare workers, and other professionals who work with these children.  Learn more about drug endangered children.

Fact Sheets on Issues and Initiatives

For a quick overview of some of ONDCP’s issues and focus areas, read the ONDCP fact sheets.