Many Ways to Find an NA Meeting

The information here is the most current we have on file. If the information you find on our website is inaccurate, please notify us, or your area or region so that the correct information for the meeting or group can be included. As meeting information changes frequently, you may wish to verify that the information is accurate through local phonelines or webpages.

Search for Meeting Location
If you are in the US please choose either City and State or Zip Code, but not both.

Note: If a city has a hyphenated name [i.e. Kailua-Kona], and you have a problem finding a location, then please exclude the hyphen, but leave a space between the two words.
Zip Code: (only applicable to the US)
Within: Miles (only applicable to the US)
Languages: Note: Only use this field to determine if meetings are available in a language other than the one that is native to that country.

On the search result pages, for the US, we provide links to maps of local meetings as a service for anyone trying to find their way to our meetings. Such links do not constitute any endorsement, affiliation or approval of the service or company providing the maps, nor any pages linked from those map pages.

If you are looking for an online meeting, enter "Web" for country and please do not forget to choose a day.

NA World Services does not register online groups, but we list online meetings as a service. This listing does not mean that online meetings are considered NA groups or a part of the NA Service Structure.

Search for a Phoneline

Search for Regional or Area Websites

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