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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Assessing the Health and Welfare of the HCBS Population

Table 17: Outcome Indicators by State Prevalence of Chronic Conditions, 2005a

Table 17G: HCBS Population Age 65+

Select for:

Outcome Indicator Prevalence of
Prevalence of
Asthma in Adults
Prevalence of
Cardiovascular Disease
Prevalence of
High Blood Pressure
Prevalence of
Serious Mental Illness
>Median ≤Median >Median ≤Median >Median ≤Median >Median ≤Median >Median ≤Median
Short-Term Complications of Diabetes 168 90 174 112 152 124 128 152 151 126
Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 6,000 3,319 6,302 4,009 6,477 3,879 4,764 5,070 5,951 4,392
Congestive Heart Failure 9,707 5,670 9,441 7,121 10,315 6,579 7,776 8,511 9,733 7,245
Composite: Potentially Preventable Infection 12,939 8,803 13,746 9,673 14,705 9,061 10,883 11,938 14,093 9,922
    Bacterial Pneumonia 7,696 5,640 8,401 5,899 8,768 5,654 6,538 7,592 8,503 6,093
    Urinary Tract Infection 5,243 3,162 5,344 3,774 5,937 3,406 4,345 4,347 5,590 3,829
Infection Due to Device or Implant 597 405 603 463 626 448 504 543 585 484
Dehydration 3,325 1,841 3,224 2,376 3,611 2,138 2,636 2,825 3,574 2,313
Composite: ACSC Chronic Conditions 19,464 11,177 19,416 13,872 20,296 13,289 15,541 16,892 19,153 14,562
Composite: ACSC Acute Conditions 12,358 8,261 12,899 9,271 13,941 8,615 10,221 11,658 13,626 9,337
Composite: ACSC Overall 31,820 19,437 32,312 23,141 34,235 21,902 25,759 28,549 32,778 23,897
Pressure Ulcer 5,156 2,917 5,215 3,604 5,195 3,597 4,379 3,646 4,962 3,857
Injurious Falls 568 461 588 484 677 430 504 573 687 457


ACSC = ambulatory care-sensitive condition; HCBS = home and community-based services; I/DD = intellectual and development disabilities; SMI = serious mental illness.

a. All outcome indicators expressed as potentially avoidable hospital stays per 100,000 persons in the HCBS population. HCBS population for outcome indicators excludes: individuals under age 18; people with only institutional use in a given quarter; people on managed care plans; and persons in the States of Arizona, Maine, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Dually eligible = dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. Eligibility for Medicare defined as inclusion in Medicare denominator file.

Medicaid only = part of Medicaid HCBS population but not enrolled in Medicare.

HCBS subpopulations of I/DD, SMI, Under 65 Without I/DD or SMI, and 65+ are defined as in the Appendix.

Median is defined as the value at which half of States are below and half of States are above.

Source for Outcome Indicators: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) data, and Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) data.

Sources for column heading data are described in the Appendix.

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