Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)
Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)
An International Organization Dedicated to the Education, Research and Treatment of Spinal Deformity

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Thank you for your interest in the Scoliosis Research Society. Although SRS does not recommend or refer physicians, members that may be available for a consultation are listed on the physician locator. Because each physician's situation is dynamic, you may find some are not accepting new patients at any given time so you may need to try more than one name listed.

All SRS members listed have met strict SRS Fellowship requirements which include that a minimum of 20% of their practice is devoted to spinal deformities. It does not necessarily indicate that they are better doctors than those who are not members.

We urge you to ask specific questions regarding training and experience in the field before seeking treatment from a physician. We are offering this list to help you in your search for a physician. Please remember that the final decision on a health care provider and treatment is yours alone and SRS cannot take any responsibility for the actions, omissions or performance of these members in the handling of your case.

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