National Consumers League


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Script Your Future: stories from the field

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Script Your Future logoNCL's Script Your Future campaign is celebrating an exciting, successful year of bringing positive messages about the need for medication adherence to communities across the country. We've met many patients and health care professionals and heard how the campaign has touched them. Meet some of the faces of Script Your Future!

Read more: Script Your Future: stories from the field


Understanding autism

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April is Autism Awareness MonthYou may have noticed homes across the United States with blue lights on in observance of Autism Awareness Month this April. It is estimated that one in every 110 children is diagnosed with autism, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined.

Read more: Understanding autism


Spring is in the air – achoo!

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Springtime allergies are in the airSpring seems to be arriving earlier than ever this year, and -- along with it -- allergy season. As seasons change and rains bring budding trees, green lawns, and fields of flowers, millions of Americans are plagued with spring allergies. More than 35 million people in the United States suffer from allergic rhinitis -- and some may be surprised to learn it's possible to develop allergies later in life as well. It is estimated that the work missed due to allergies amounts to $250 million annually.So, what’s an allergy sufferer to do?

Read more: Spring is in the air – achoo!