Chefs Move to Schools

Chefs Move to School just launched a brand new website,, complete with great resources and tools for chefs and schools to use in improving the way children interact with food, from the cafeteria to the classroom. The new website is for chefs and schools, allowing them to sign up for the program; access training, recipes and resources; and learn how chefs and schools across the country are partnering to create healthier school environments.

Choose MyPlate icon. MyPlate

USDA's new food guidance icon, MyPlate, replaces MyPyramid as the government's primary symbol for healthy eating.

Join ChefTalk

ChefTalk is an email discussion group intended as a communication tool to link chefs who are working with schools in the Chefs Move to Schools Initiative, so that they can share ideas and resources, innovative solutions to challenges, and success stories.

Schools and Chefs Match Up

American Culinary Federation logo American Culinary Federation

The FNS/Child Nutrition Division and the American Culinary Federation (ACF) have entered into a partnership agreement to recognize the mutual interest in improving the health of youth.

HealthierUS School Challenge Resources

Are you up to the challenge? Use these resources to help you meet the goals of this program.

Find Team Nutrition Materials

USDA. FNS. Team Nutrition.

These resources are available to schools that participate in the Federal Child Nutrition Programs.

Get Nutrition Education and Training Resources

Lesson plans, and curriculum for use in classroom and in the cafeteria.

Cooks for Kids Season Four: Chefs Move to Schools

National Food Service Management Institute

The fourth season of "Cooks for Kids" showcases success stories from chefs and schools participating in the Chefs Move to Schools program.

Fruit and Vegetable Resources

Find information, activities and recipes to help you promote fruits and vegetables in the diets of children.

Farm to School

When children understand where food comes from, they are more interested in eating fruits and vegetables! Learn more about this program and how you can partner with a local farm.

School Gardens

Interested in starting a garden at your school? Look no further for resources you need.

Cooking with Kids

Find resources to help you involve children in food preparation.

Cooking for the New Generation, 2nd Edition (PDF | 519.94 KB)

National Food Service Management Institute

This resource emphasizes the importance of keeping food service up to date with the new generation. There are explanations for the differences between students today from students in the past and how their food tastes have changed. The resource emphasizes how to efficiently run a food service center with processed 'new generation' foods.

School Nutrition Association Chef's Table

The Chef's Table committee will offer a tool kit and other resources to help SNA members succeed and will assist chefs in getting involved in schools through the Chefs Move to Schools initiative.

Major Cities Symposium 2012

National Food Service Management Institute

Chef Kass spoke to School Nutrition Directors and Executive Chefs from the 40 largest districts in the country about the First Lady's Chefs Move to Schools Initiative, and Dr. Thornton addressed the new meal pattern and regulations, followed by Q&A from the audience. School Nutrition Directors and Executive Chefs from the 40 largest districts in the country arrived at NFSMI March 27th to attend the 2nd annual Major Cities Training Symposium. In addition to Chef Kass' and Dr. Thornton's presentations, the group enjoyed a webinar from the Scottish government which offered success stories and suggestions to deal with meeting nutrition standards.