Seated Row with Resistance Band
Upper back, shoulder, and neck

Resistance band and sturdy, armless chair

As you progress, use a heavier strength band.

This exercise to strengthen upper back, shoulder, and neck muscles should make everyday activities such as raking and vacuuming easier.

  1. Sit in a sturdy, armless chair with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the center of the resistance band under both feet. Hold each end of the band with palms facing inward.
  3. Relax your shoulders and extend your arms beside your legs. Breathe in slowly.
  4. Breathe out slowly and pull both elbows back until your hands are at your hips.
  5. Hold position for 1 second.
  6. Breathe in as you slowly return your hands to the starting position.
  7. Repeat 10-15 times
  8. Rest; then repeat 10-15 more times.