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COPS Training: Youth Safety Training

Youth Safety Training

Training Course: CORE DEC—Drug Endangered Children Awareness Training
Mode of Delivery: Classroom and Web-based (Online)
Training Provider: National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children and the network of State Alliances
Target Audience: Law Enforcement and community partners

Course Description: Originally developed with 2007 COPS Methamphetamine Initiative funding, the Core DEC Training Curriculum will increase community awareness about the risks faced by drug endangered children (DEC) and highlight the opportunities we have to intervene on behalf of these children.

For additional information on this course: Icon: External Link

Training Course:  One on One: Connecting Cops & Kids
Mode of Delivery: Classroom
Training Provider: The Fred Rogers Company
Target Audience: Law Enforcement Officers and Youth Serving Service Providers

Course Description: One-on-One is a four-part video-based training program to
help law enforcement officers increase their effectiveness and safety by building trust with children and teenagers. One-on-One provokes discussion and raises officers’ awareness of children in their work and of the tremendous impact their presence, authority and actions have on children. It is also designed to show how basic knowledge of children and their development can enhance an officer’s impact, safety and ability to achieve law enforcement goals in the community. The Fred Rogers Company will be taking One on One to police departments around the country during 2011 and 2012 as part of an initiative funded by the US Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program.

For additional information on this course: Icon: External Link

Training Course:  T.A.P.S. Academy
Mode of Delivery: Classroom
Training Provider:  Houston Police Department
Target Audience: Law Enforcement and Targeted At-Risk Youth

Course Description:    The Teen and Police Service Academy (T.A.P.S.) academy is a concept to reduce the social distance between at-risk youth and law enforcement.  Through learning, interaction, focus groups, discussions, community problem solving and a service-learning instruction, the student and law enforcement officers will gain valuable insight about the concerns and issues facing one another.  Students and law enforcement will explore issues surrounding violence, physical and sexual abuse, stalking, domestic trafficking, sexual exploitation and bullying in a 15 week training curriculum. The curriculum and program developed through this program is intended to reduce the social distance that exists between police and youth, educate youth and police about each other, while providing crime prevention projects to the community through the use of service-learning.

For additional information on this course: Icon: External Link | Video on T.A.P.S Icon: External Link













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