Issues In Focus

Powering the Future

President Proclaims October National Energy Action Month While Continuing to Block Energy Projects | October 3, 2012

President Obama issued a presidential proclamation this week declaring October 2012 “National Energy Action Month.” He stated, “I call upon the citizens of the United States to recognize this month by working together to achieve greater energy security, a more robust e

The Idea Lab

Rep. Ed Whitfield and Rep. Morgan Griffith in Washington Examiner: EPA stifles U.S. coal but subsidizes it in China | September 21, 2012
Two weeks ago, the United States national debt surpassed $16 trillion. To put that into perspective, that is more than $50,000 per person in the U.S. To finance this overwhelming debt, the U.S. is borrowing roughly 40 cents of every dollar we spend, a good portion of it from foreign countries like China.

E&C Analysis

Committee Releases Extensive Report Detailing Findings of Solyndra Saga | August 2, 2012
Report Chronicles Solyndra’s Doomed Existence:

The Exam Room

The President’s Broken Record on Malpractice Reform | September 27, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC – In the New England Journal of Medicine this week, President Obama expressed sympathy for physicians overburdened with filling out insurance forms and stated, “I support medical malpractice reform to prevent needless lawsuits without placing arbitrary caps that do nothing to lower the cost of care.”

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In the Committee

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) expressed concern to HHS Secretary Sebelius regarding the use of taxpayer dollars being used to promote the health care law on primetime network tv shows.  More here.

On the Floor

The House approved  H.R. 3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act. This legislative package—comprised of bills reported by the Energy and Commerce Committee, Natural Resources Committee, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee— aims to stop the EPA's regulatory assault on jobs and affordable energy. You can read more here.

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