Just Say No to Scareware

Imagine: You’re happily browsing the internet one day when a host of urgent pop-ups tells you that malicious software has been discovered on your computer. These messages urge you to download software right away to fix the problem.

If you pay for and download the software, the program tells you that your problems are fixed. The reality: there was nothing to fix. And what’s worse, the program now installed on your computer could be harmful.

These programs are called “scareware” because they exploit a person’s fear of online viruses and security threats. The scam has many variations:

  • You may get ads that promise to delete viruses or spyware, protect privacy, improve computer function, remove harmful files, or clean your registry.
  • You may get “alerts” about malicious software or illegal pornography on your computer.
  • You may be offered a free security scan. Inevitably, it will find a host of problems.
  • You could get pop-ups that claim your security software is out-of-date, and your computer is in immediate danger.
  • You may suddenly encounter an unfamiliar website that claims to have performed a security scan and prompts you to download new software.

If you’re faced with any of the warning signs of a scareware scam, shut down your browser. Don’t click “No” or “Cancel,” or even the “x” at the top right corner of the window. Some scareware is designed so that any of those buttons could activate the program. If you use Windows, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to open your Task Manager, then click “End Task.” If you use a Mac, press Command + Option + Q + Esc to “Force Quit.”

If the problems continue, you may already have malware on your computer. There are steps you can take to get rid of malware.

And the best way to avoid these scams? Keep your computer security software up-to-date and make these other computer security practices part of your online routine.



Thanks soooooooooo much this really helped us in school!:D

I found this very useful. I keep getting a message that my Norton system does not have Malware. I have a lot of ckecking to do since I used all the wrong answers.

I would say if you are using Internet explorer for browsing so keep your security level high -you will find it inside tools option then check trusted site only -this is the only cure probably it can safe you, otherwise firefox is quite secure, but I do not know about IE-its latest version is also very good. Side by side it's also better if you click on do not allow popup option.
Sharing digital ideas

I have encountered such websites, which indicated that their software could help protect my computer from any kind of viruses. But the problem is my internet connection was deleted because of the downloaded software and I have to changed my computer from Windows to Linux. I learn my lesson and I always take extra precaution in this scareware.

Thankyou very much,i appreciate greatly.

Abraham simutowe

Alternatively, you can look for peer to peer software that is offering to download any mp3 and free music to anyone. A good software that I'm using is "Morpheus" peer to peer software and it is available for anyone to download. The software is free for anyone to download and all you need to do is to visit the website and start downloading and installing the software.

Another fantastic software that offers peer to peer technology is Kazaa. Just like "Morpheus" peer to peer software, anyone can download for their peer to peer software from their website. If you were to visit their website, the site will also explain further the procedures making peer to peer software easier to understand by anybody. This will make you realize that a truly free mp3 download and music file is definitely easy to find with these peer to peer softwares.

Hi, Downloads, It’s important to remember that there are serious risks when using P2P networks to download free files. The FTC has investigated popular P2P Networks and found that these applications can expose a user’s tax returns, credit reports, loan applications, and other sensitive documents to millions of people. Not only could users accidentally share files they didn’t intend to, they also could violate copyright laws. For more information about the risks, visit http://onguardonline.gov/articles/0016-p2p-file-sharing-risks.

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