
RxNorm API

updated: 2/21/2012

Lister Hill Center

The RxNorm API is a web service for accessing the current RxNorm data set from your program via SOAP/WSDL.

Useful links:

Building Applications to Use the RxNorm API

This page describes how to build applications to use the RxNorm API.
We provide documentation for coding Java and .Net applications. Documentation for building applications in other programming languages (e.g. Perl) may be added at a later time.

Building a Java Application to use the RxNorm API

The RxNorm API provides developers with functions for retrieving RxNorm data from the most current RxNorm data set. Building applications to use the RxNorm API require initial setup of the development environment and developing code. Each of these is described in detail in this chapter.

Java Development Environment Setup

Setup of a Java developer's environment involves the following steps. All steps must be completed before application code can be compiled and built to execute requests with the RxNorm API.
  1. Obtain a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.2 compatible engine for web service message routing.
  2. Download the WSDL for the RxNorm API web service.
  3. Generate the client side stubs using Axis's WSDL2Java utility for the WSDL (for applications written in Java).

1. Obtaining a SOAP 1.2 Engine

Developers will require a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.2 compatible engine to route the web service messages to/from the RxNorm API. The client programs shown in this guide have been tested with Apache Axis Version 1.4 Follow the link to their website and download and install the version onto your development machine. The location of this download will be referred to as <AXIS_DIR> in this guide.

2. Downloading the RxNorm WSDL

The RxNorm WSDL may be downloaded from the RxNav web site. Right-click on the RxNorm Service WSDL and save the WSDL file to your development machine. The path to this file will be hereafter referred to as <RXNORM_WSDL_LOCATION>.

3. Generating Client Stubs for Java

Apache Axis is delivered with a utility to generate Java classes from a WSDL. Using WSDL2Java generates client stubs that enable communication with a defined web service.
  prompt> java -classpath  <CLASSPATH> org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java \
The call to the utility places generated Java class files in the directory where the utility is run. The <CLASSPATH> must include the following jar files generally found in the lib directory of the Axis installation:
Other SOAP engines use different utilities to generate the client stubs. Refer to your specific SOAP engine documentation for instructions on building the client stubs using the downloaded WSDL.

Coding Java Applications to use the RxNorm API

The basic paradigm for obtaining RxNorm data from the RxNorm API web service is as follows:
  1. Establish a connection to the RxNorm API web service.
  2. Obtain the data from the RxNorm API web service.

Java Code: Establishing a Connection to the RxNorm API Web Service

The RxNorm API web service is an Axis web service running at the NLM on the RxNav production machine. The web service endpoint URI is http://mor.nlm.nih.gov/axis/services/RxNormDBService The classes generated during WSDL2Java execution must be imported into your application. For Java applications, include these import statements:
import java.net.URL;
import BeanService.*;
import gov.nih.nlm.rxnav.axis.services.RxNormDBService.*;
The following code snippet shows how to establish a connection to the RxNorm API web service.
String rxhost = "http://mor.nlm.nih.gov";
String rxURI = rxhost + "/axis/services/RxNormDBService";

// Locate the RxNorm API web service
URL rxURL = new URL(rxURI);
DBManagerService rxnormService = new DBManagerServiceLocator();
DBManager dbmanager = rxnormService.getRxNormDBService(rxURL);

Java Code: Obtaining RxNorm Data

The RxNorm API web service provides access to current RxNorm data through its calls defined in the WSDL. The code snippet below searches for a concept unique identifier (RxCUI) using exact matching of an input string. Each operation made available in the RxNorm API web service is described in detail in the RxNorm API design document.
// Get the concept unique identifier for a string
String [] rxcuis = dbmanager.findRxcuiByString("aspirin");
// print results
for (int j = 0; j < rxcuis.length; j++)
    System.out.println("RXCUI = " + rxcuis[j]);
if (rxcuis.length == 0) 
    System.out.println("No concept found");

Compiling the Java Application

When compiling the application using the RxNorm API, the CLASSPATH must include the directory into which the compiled stubs were put and the following jar files which are generally found in the lib directory of the Axis installation:

Building a .Net Application to use the RxNorm API

.Net Development Environment and Project Setup

Setup of a .Net developer's environment involves the following steps:
  1. Install a current version of Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, selecting at least these options: VB, C#, and Web development. This tutorial mainly assumes VS 2010, but 2008 is known to work with minor differences.
  2. Start up Visual Studio. If it asks for default settings, choose C# or VB, depending on your preference. In this tutorial, we use C#.
  3. From the Visual Studio menu, choose File -> New Project
    In the Left pane, choose Visual C# -> Windows
    In the Right Pane, choose either Console Application (for a command-line-driven application) or Windows Forms Application (for a GUI-driven application)
    In the "Name:" box, enter a name for your project: RxNormClient or RxNorm_GUI_Client (or any project name you want)
    A new C# file skeleton named Program.cs that contains an empty Main() method in the Program class will be generated.
  4. Do not close Visual Studio and do not close the project or the current program file. You will need to return here later to complete the project setup.

Downloading the RxNorm WSDL and Generating a Client Stub for .Net

In the steps below, Open a command prompt window and enter:
cd [your_source_dir]
"[your_wsdl_dir]\wsdl.exe" /l:CS /protocol:SOAP http://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/RxNormDBService.xml
The following message should be displayed:
Writing file '[your_source_dir]\DBManagerService.cs'
Your client stub is in the .cs file that was just created (DBManagerService.cs in this example)

Putting the pieces together into a .Net project

  1. You can now either...
    1. Add your client stub source file to your project in Visual Studio
      • In the Solution Explorer pane, right-click the project name and choose Add -> Existing Item
        (The beauty of this option is that it allows you to step into the stub source code in Debug mode.)
    2. Compile the stub into a DLL, by first executing the command line:
            "[your_csc_dir]\csc.exe" /t:library /r:System.Web.Services.dll /r:System.Xml.dll DBManagerService.cs
      then adding the DLL as a Reference to your project:
      • Right-click the project name in the Solution Explorer pane
      • Choose Add Reference... then select the Browse tab.
  2. Finally, your project needs a reference to the .Net Web Services namespace before it will compile:
  3. You are now ready to code your class's Main() method in any way you wish.

RxNorm API Reference

This section contains the design details of the RxNorm API. Each function contains a description, the inputs to the function, the outputs from the function and examples. Available functions:

Function Description
approxMatch Search by name to find the closest RxNorm concepts
findRemapped Return the re-mapped concept identifiers from an obsolete concept
findRxcuiById Search by identifier to find RxNorm concepts
findRxcuiByString Search by name to find RxNorm concepts
getAllConceptsByTTY Return the RxNorm concepts for the specified term types
getAllProperties Return all properties for a concept
getAllRelatedInfo Return all related concept information
getDisplayTerms Return the auto suggestion names
getDrugs Return the related drugs
getIdTypes Return the available identifier types
getMultiIngredBrand Return the brands containing the specified ingredients
getNDCs Return all National Drug Codes (NDC) for a concept
getPropCategories Return the property categories.
getPropNames Return the property names.
getProprietaryInformation Return the proprietary information for a concept
getQuantity Return the quantity attribute for a concept
getRelatedByRelationship Return the related concepts of specified relationship types
getRelatedByType Return the related concepts of specified term types
getRelaTypes Return the available relationship types
getRxConceptProperties Return the concepts properties
getRxcuiStatus Return the status of the concept
getRxNormVersion Return the RxNorm data set version
getSourceTypes Return the available vocabulary abbreviated source types
getSpellingSuggestions Return spelling suggestions for a name
getSplSetId Return the structured product label set identifiers for a concept
getStrength Return the strength attribute for a concept
getTermTypes Return the available term types
getUNII Return the UNII Code for a concept

A sample API client written in perl is also available.

approxMatch( searchString )

Do an approximate match search to determine the strings in the data set that most closely match the search string. The approximate match algorithm is discussed in detail here.


searchString - the search string


An array of matching structures. Each matching structure contains the following fields: To get more information about the string, including the name and the vocabulary source, use getProprietaryInformation with the Rxaui returned in the matching structure.


approxMatch( "ACETAMINOPHEN 500 MG CAPLET" )


  {Rxcui = "315266", Rxaui = "1476962", score = "75", rank = "1"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "2542263", score = "67", rank = "2"},
  {Rxcui = "570042", Rxaui = "2285667", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570063", Rxaui = "2285688", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198439", Rxaui = "1908931", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "250651", Rxaui = "1277958", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570064", Rxaui = "2285689", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "1095479", Rxaui = "3629097", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "1117683", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570055", Rxaui = "2285680", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "1117685", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570056", Rxaui = "2285681", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570053", Rxaui = "2285678", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570054", Rxaui = "2285679", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570052", Rxaui = "2285677", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "3095258", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "2835101", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570046", Rxaui = "2285671", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570072", Rxaui = "2285697", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198439", Rxaui = "2835100", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570070", Rxaui = "2285695", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198439", Rxaui = "3095254", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570050", Rxaui = "2285675", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198439", Rxaui = "3095255", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198439", Rxaui = "1908927", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "3095257", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198439", Rxaui = "1908929", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "198440", Rxaui = "2063136", score = "60", rank = "3"},
  {Rxcui = "570461", Rxaui = "2286136", score = "60", rank = "3"}

findRemapped( rxcui )

This function will be deprecated - please use getRxcuiStatus instead. Find the concepts that have been remapped from an obsolete concept. These remapped concepts are defined in the RXNCUI file.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier of the obsolete concept


An array of concept identifier from which the obsolete concept has been mapped to. Note that usually there is a one to one mapping, but some obsolete concepts are mapped to more than one new concept.


getRemapped( 213578 )


{ "1012626", "1012843" }

findRxcuiById( idType, id, allSourcesFlag )

Search for an identifier from another vocabulary and return the RxCUIs of any concepts which have an RxNorm term as a synonym or have that identifier as an attribute.


idType - the identifier type. See the getIdTypes example for the valid types. The table below describes the types:

idType Example Details
AMPID 2050 the Gold Standard Drug Identifier from Gold Standard Drug Database (SAB:GS)
ANDA ANDA007581 the FDA Abbreviated New Drug Application identifier
GCN_SEQNO 009172 the Generic Code Sequence Number from First Databank Inc (SAB:NDDF)
GFC 108077 the Generic Formula Code (GFC) from Micromedex RED BOOK (SAB:MMX)
GPPC 14559 the first five characters of the Generic Product Packaging Code from Master Drug Data Base (SAB:MDDB). Medi-Span, a division of Wolters Kluwer Health
HIC_SEQN 004489 the ingredient identifier from First Databank Inc (SAB:NDDF)
LISTING_SEQ_NO 203855 the FDA generated unique identification number for each product from FDA National Drug Code Directory (SAB:MTHFDA)
MESH D000212 a Subject Medical Headings (MeSH) identifier from the National Library of Medicine (SAB:MSH).
MMSL_CODE CD1001 a derived identifier that combines the Term type (TTY) and the Multum Mediasource Lexicon (SAB:MMSL) numeric code. First two letters represent the term type: BD, BN, CD, GN or IN.
NDA NDA021400 the FDA New Drug Application identifier
NDC 00378802505 the National Drug Code (NDC) from the National Drug Code Directory
NUI N0000148200 the National Drug File Reference Terminology unique identifier (SAB:NDFRT)
SNOMEDCT 1039008 the SNOMED CT concept identifier from SNOMED Clinical Terms drug information (SAB:SNOMEDCT). SNOMED International
SPL_SET_ID 1C5BC1DD-E9EC-44C1-9281-67AD482315D9 the FDA Structured Product Label Set Identifier
UMLSCUI C0000266 the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Concept Unique Identifier
UNII_CODE LVX8N1UT73 the FDA Unique Ingredient Identifier Code.
VUID 4021359 the Veterans Health Administration Unique Identifier from the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File (SAB:VANDF)

id - the identifier

allSourcesFlag - a flag indicating whether all RxCUIs are to be returned. If set to 1, all non-suppressed RxCUIs will be returned, including those which contain no terms from the RxNorm vocabulary. Otherwise, only RxCUIs which contain a non-suppressed RxNorm vocabulary term will be returned.


an array of RxNorm identifiers


findRxcuiById ( "UMLSCUI", "C0162723", 0)    

  { 58930 }

findRxcuiByString( searchString, source-list, allSourcesFlag, searchType )

Search for a name in the RxNorm data set and return the RxCUIs of any concepts which have that name as an RxNorm term or as a synonym of an RxNorm term.


searchString - the search string

source-list - an array containing the source vocabulary names to use. If null, all sources are allowed. Only used when allSourcesFlag is set to 1. Valid source types are listed in the getSourceTypes example.

allSourcesFlag - a flag indicating whether all RxCUIs are to be returned. If set to 1, all non-suppressed RxCUIs will be returned which match any of the sources specified. Otherwise, only RxCUIs which contain a non-suppressed RxNorm term will be returned.

searchType - a number indicating the type of search to be performed. If set to 0, exact match search will be performed. If set to 1, a normalized string search will be done. When searchType = 2, then an exact match search will be done, and if no results are found, a normalized search will be done. For more information on the normalized string search, click here.


an array of RxNorm identifiers


findRxcuiByString( "ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 0.03MG/NORGESTREL 0.3MG TAB", , 0, 0)

  { 749786 }

findRxcuiByString( "ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 0.03MG/NORGESTREL 0.3MG TAB", , 0, 1)

  { 311359, 749786 }

findRxcuiByString( "ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 0.03MG/NORGESTREL 0.3MG TAB", , 0, 2)

  { 749786 }

getAllConceptsByTTY( termtypes )

Return all the concepts for the specified term types.


termtypes - an array of term types. See the getTermTypes example for the names of valid term types.


An array of concept minimal structures. Each concept minimal structure contains the following fields:


getAllConceptsByTTY( {"BN","BPCK"} )


  {Rxcui = "1000002", name = "Tribenzor 40/5/25", tty = "BN"},
  {Rxcui = "1000016", name = "Uritact", tty = "BN"},
  {Rxcui = "1000086", name = "Lastacaft", tty = "BN"},

  (many more listed ...)

getAllProperties( rxcui, categories )

Get all properties for a specified concept.


rxcui - the RxNorm concept identifier.

categories - an array of category types. See getPropCategories for the names of valid categories. To get all properties for all categories, specify "ALL" (see example below).


An array of property structures. Each property structure contains


getAllProperties( "476299", {"ALL"} )

  { name="TTY",          value="SCD", category="ATTRIBUTES"},
  { name="HUMAN_DRUG",   value="US",  category="ATTRIBUTES"},
  { name="PRESCRIBABLE", value="Y",   category="ATTRIBUTES"},
  { name="AVAILABLE_STRENGTH", value="600 MG", category="ATTRIBUTES"},
  { name="RxCUI",        value="476299",   category="CODES"},
  { name="UMLSCUI",      value="C1509258", category="CODES"},
  { name="RxNorm Name",  value="Amoxicillin trihydrate 600 MG Disintegrating Tablet", category="NAMES"},
  { name="Source",       value="Multum MediSource Lexicon", category="SOURCES"}

getAllRelatedInfo( rxcui )

Get all the related RxNorm concepts for a given RxNorm identifier. This includes concepts of term types "IN", "MIN", "PIN", "BN", "SBD", "SBDC", "SBDF", "SCD", "SCDC", "SCDF", "DF", "BPCK" and "GPCK".


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


an array of RxNorm concept group structures. An RxNorm concept group structure has the following fields:


getAllRelatedInfo( "151524" )


Type = "IN", {
{ Name = "Sulindac", Rxcui = "10237", Type = "IN", Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N",
Umlscui = "C0038792", SY = ""} }
Type = "BN", {
{ Name = "Clinoril", Rxcui = "151524", Type = "BN", Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N",
Umlscui = "C0591267", SY = ""} }
Type = "SCDC", {
{ Name = "Sulindac 150 MG", Rxcui = "316755", Type = "SCDC", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0990458", SY= ""},
{ Name = "Sulindac 200 MG", Rxcui = "316756", Type = "SCDC", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0990459", SY= ""} }
Type = "SBDC", {
{ Name = "Sulindac 150 MG [Clinoril]", Rxcui = "569138", Type = "SBDC", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1618559", SY= ""},
{ Name = "Sulindac 200 MG [Clinoril]", Rxcui = "564274", Type = "SBDC", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1617517", SY= ""} }
Type = "SCD", {
{ Name = "Sulindac 150 MG Oral Tablet", Rxcui = "198238", Type = "SCD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0690432", SY= ""},
{ Name = "Sulindac 200 MG Oral Tablet", Rxcui = "198239", Type = "SCD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0690433", SY= ""} }
Type = "SBD", {
{ Name = "Sulindac 150 MG Oral Tablet [Clinoril]", Rxcui = "198238", Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0710020", SY= "Clinoril 150 MG Oral Tablet"},
{ Name = "Sulindac 200 MG Oral Tablet [Clinoril]", Rxcui = "105944", Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0357508", SY= "Clinoril 200 MG Oral Tablet"} }
Type = "SCDF", {
{ Name = "Sulindac Oral Tablet", Rxcui = "374003", Type = "SCDF", Type = "SCDF", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1248075", SY= ""} }
Type = "SBDF", {
{ Name = "Sulindac Oral Tablet [Clinoril]", Rxcui = "367629", Type = "SBDF", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1621233", SY= ""} }
Type = "SCDG", {
{ Name = "Sulindac Oral Products", Rxcui = "1163018", Type = "SCDG", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "", SY= ""},
{ Name = "Sulindac Pills", Rxcui = "1163019", Type = "SCDG", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "", SY= ""} }
Type = "SBDG", {
{ Name = "CLinoril Oral Products", Rxcui = "1173005", Type = "SBDG", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "", SY= ""},
{ Name = "Clinoril Pills", Rxcui = "1173006", Type = "SBDG", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "", SY= ""} }
Type = "DFG", {
{ Name = "Oral Products", Rxcui = "1151131", Type = "DFG", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "", SY= ""},
{ Name = "Pills", Rxcui = "1151133", Type = "DFG", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "", SY= ""} }
Type = "DF", {
{ Name = "Oral Tablet", Rxcui = "317541", Type = "DF", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0993159", SY= ""} }
Type = "PIN", {}
Type = "BPCK", {}
Type = "GPCK", {}
Type = "MIN", {}

getDisplayTerms( )

Gets the names used by RxNav for auto completion. This is a large list which includes names of ingredients, brands, and branded packs.




An array of ingredient, brand and branded pack RxNorm names.



(a list of names used by the auto completion function of RxNav)

getDrugs( name )

Get the drug products associated with a specified name. The name can be an ingredient, brand name, clinical dose form, branded dose form, clinical drug component, or branded drug component.


name - the name of the drug


An array of concept group structures whose types are "SBD" and "BPCK" for brand names, branded dose forms or branded drug components, or "SCD" and "GPCK" for clinical dose forms or clinical drug components. For ingredients "SBD", "BPCK", "SCD" and "GPCK" are returned.

Example 1:

getDrugs( "varenicline" )


Type = "BPCK", {
{ Name = "{56 (varenicline 1 MG Oral Tablet [Chantix]) } Pack [Chantix Continuing Months Of Therapy]",
Rxcui = "795735", Type = "BPCK",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1877454", SY= "Chantix Continuing Months Of Therapy Pack"},
{ Name = "{11 (varenicline 0.5 MG Oral Tablet [Chantix]) / 42 (varenicline 1 MG Oral Tablet [Chantix]) } Pack [Chantix First Month of Therapy]",
Rxcui = "795737", Type = "BPCK",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1877455", SY= "Chantix First Month Of Therapy Pack"} }
Type = "GPCK", {
{ Name = "{11 (varenicline 0.5 MG Oral Tablet) / 42 (varenicline 1 MG Oral Tablet) }", RxCui = "749289", Type = "GPCK",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1968342", SY= ""},
{ Name = "{ 56 (varencline 1 MG Oral Tablet) } Pack", RxCui = "749788", Type = "GPCK",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1968394", SY= ""} }
Type = "SBD", {
{ Name = "varenicline 0.5 MG Oral Tablet[Chantix]", Rxcui = "637188", Type = "SBD",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1712045", SY= "Chantix 0.5 MG Oral Tablet"},
{ Name = "varenicline 1 MG Oral Tablet[Chantix]", Rxcui = "637190", Type = "SBD",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1712047", SY= "Chantix 1 MG Oral Tablet"} }
Type = "SCD", {
{ Name = "varenicline 0.5 MG Oral Tablet", Rxcui = "636671", Type = "SCD",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1711886", SY= ""},
{ Name = "varenicline 1 MG Oral Tablet", Rxcui = "636676", Type = "SCD",
Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1711889", SY= ""} }
Example 2:


Type = "SBD", {
{ Name = "duloxetine 20 MG Enteric Coated Capsule [Cymbalta]", Rxcui = "596928",
Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1656295",
SY= "Cymbalta 20 MG Enteric Coated Capsule"},
{ Name = "duloxetine 30 MG Enteric Coated Capsule [Cymbalta]", Rxcui = "596932",
Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1614249",
SY= "Cymbalta 30 MG Enteric Coated Capsule"},
{ Name = "duloxetine 60 MG Enteric Coated Capsule [Cymbalta]", Rxcui = "615186",
Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1624617",
SY= "Cymbalta 60 MG Enteric Coated Capsule"} }
Type = "BPCK", {}


Get the valid identifier types of the RxNorm data set. See findRxcuiById for use of these types.




An array of valid identifier types.





getMultiIngredBrand( rxcui-list )

Get the brands that contain all the specified ingredients. Note that the brands returned may contain other ingredients in addition to those specified.


rxcui-list - list of the RxCuis of the ingredients


an RxNorm concept structure containing the following fields:


getMultiIngredBrand( {1191, 33408} )


{Name = "Momentum tradename", Rxcui = "218423", Type = "BN", Lat = "ENG", Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0721776", SY = ""}

getNDCs( rxcui )

Get the National Drug Codes (NDCs) for the RxNorm concept.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


An array of NDCs


getNDCs( "351772")


  {"00069315014", "0069315083", 54868452700"}

getPropCategories( )

Get the property categories.





getPropNames( )

Get the property names.




  "QUANTITY", "RxCUI", "RxNorm Name", "RxNorm Synonym", "SPL SET ID",

getProprietaryInformation( rxcui, source-list, proxyTicket, rxaui )

Get the concept information associated with the concept for the specified sources. The user must have a valid UMLS license and be able to access the UTS authority service to obtain proxy tickets to use this function.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier

source-list - an array containing the source vocabulary names to use. Valid source values are returned in getSourceTypes.

proxyTicket - a proxy ticket obtained from the UTS authority service. Here is how to obtain the proxy ticket: rxaui - this is an optional parameter which specifies the atomic unique identifier to search on.


an array containing concept information. Each structure contains the following fields:


getProprietaryInformation( "61609", {"SNOMEDCT", "MMSL"}, ticket)


{{RxCui= "61609", Name= "Arbutamine", Type= "PT", Id= "109207004", Source= "SNOMEDCT"},
 {RxCui= "61609", Name= "Arbutamine (substance)", Type= "FN", Id= "109207004", Source= "SNOMEDCT"},
 {RxCui= "61609", Name= "arbutamine", Type= "GN", Id= "d04216", Source= "MMSL"}}

getQuantity( rxcui )

Gets the quantity attribute for a specified RxNorm concept.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


The quantity attribute of the concept. This is the RXN_QUANTITY attribute from the RXNSAT file. This applies to some RxNorm concepts of term type = "SBD" or "SCD".


# get the quantity of concept RxCUI=727339 "0.5 ML Sumatriptan 12 MG/ML Prefilled Syringe"

getQuantity( 727339 )


0.5 ML

getRelatedByRelationship( rxcui, relationship-list )

Get the related RxNorm identifiers of an RxNorm concept specified by a relational attribute.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier

relationship-list - an array of the relationship attribute names such as "tradename_of", "has_form", "isa", etc. The list of valid relationship attributes is contained in the getRelaTypes example.


an array of RxNorm concept group structures. An RxNorm concept group structure has the following fields:


getRelatedByRelationship( "58930", {"tradename_of", "has_precise_ingredient"} )


Type = "IN", {
{ Name = "Cetirizine", Rxcui = "20610", Type = "IN", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C055147", SY = ""}}
Type = "PIN", {
{ Name = "cetirizine hydrochloride", Rxcui = "203150", Type = "PIN", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0700480", SY = ""} }

getRelatedByType( rxcui, type-list )

Get the related RxNorm identifiers of an RxNorm concept specified one or more term types.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier

type-list - an array of one or more RxNorm term types. Valid RxNorm term types are list in the getTermTypes example.


an array of RxNorm concept group structures. An RxNorm concept group structure has the following fields:


getRelatedByType( "131725", {"IN", "PIN", "SBD"} )


Type = "IN", {
{ Name = "zolpidem", Rxcui = "39993", Type = "IN", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0078839", SY = ""}}
Type = "PIN", {
{ Name = "Zolpidem tartrate", Rxcui = "221183", Type = "PIN", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0724725", SY = ""}}
Type = "SBD", {
{ Name = "Zolpidem tartrate 10 MG Oral Tablet [Ambien]", Rxcui = "854875", Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0712713", SY= "Ambien 10 MG Oral Tablet"},
{ Name = "Zolpidem tartrate 12.5 MG Extended Release Tablet [Ambien]", Rxcui = "854882", Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1628353", SY= "Ambien 12.5 MG Extended Release Tablet"},
{ Name = "Zolpidem tartrate 5 MG Oral Tablet [Ambien]", Rxcui = "854878", Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0712699", SY= "Ambien 5 MG Oral Tablet"},
{ Name = "Zolpidem tartrate 6.25 MG Extended Release Tablet [Ambien]", Rxcui = "854896", Type = "SBD", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C1630664", SY= "Ambien 6.25 MG Extended Release Tablet"} }


Get the relationship names in the RxNorm data set.




An array of relationship names. See getRelatedByRelationship for use of these names.




{ "consists_of", "constitutes", "contained_in", "contains", "dose_form_of", "doseformgroup_of",
"form_of", "has_dose_form", "has_form", "has_ingredient", "has_ingredients",
"has_part", "has_precise_ingredient", "has_quantified_form", "has_tradename", "has_doseformgroup",
"ingredient_of", "ingredients_of", "inverse_isa", "isa", "part_of", "precise_ingredient_of",
"quantified_form_of", "reformulated_to", "reformulation_of", "tradename_of" }

getRxConceptProperties( rxcui )

Get the RxNorm Concept properties


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


an RxNorm concept structure containing the following fields:


getRxConceptProperties( "58930")


{ Name = "Zyrtec",  Rxcui = "58930", Type = "BN", Lat = "ENG",
Suppress = "N", Umlscui = "C0162723", SY = "" }

getRxcuiStatus( rxcui )

Return the status and concept information for a given concept identifier. If the concept has been remapped, the returned information will represent the remapped concept(s).


rxcui - the RxNorm concept identifier


A concept status structure which contains:


getRxcuiStatus( 44 )


{ status="Active", date="", { {rxcui="44", name="Mesna", tty="IN"} } }

getRxcuiStatus( 105048 )


{ status="Remapped", date="090504F",
  { {rxcui="849839", name="Amantadine Hydrochloride 100 MG Oral Capsule", tty="SCD"},
    {rxcui="849394", name="Amantadine Hydrochloride 100 MG Oral Capsule[Symmetrel]", tty="SBD"} }

In the above example, the concept with RxCUI = 105048 was remapped to two concepts.

getRxcuiStatus( 884271 )


{ status="Retired", date="", {} }

getRxNormVersion( )

Get the version of the RxNorm data set.




The version of the RxNorm data set. The date of the monthly release will be returned along (if applicable) the date of the last weekly update.



returns  "07-Jan-2013;23-Jan-2013"


Get the vocabulary abbreviated source names in the RxNorm data set.




An array of vocabulary source abbreviated names. See getProprietaryInfomation for use of these names.





getSpellingSuggestions( searchString )

Get spelling suggestions for a given term. The suggestions are RxNorm terms contained in the current version.


searchString - the name of the term


an array of names that are spelling suggestions of the input term, ranked by decreasing relevance.


getSpellingSuggestions( "zyrteck" )

  {"Zyrtec", "Zyrtec-D", "Zirtek", "Zaptec"}

getSplSetId( rxcui )

Gets the Structured Product Label set identifiers for a specified RxNorm concept.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


The structured product label set identifiers for the concept. This is the SPL_SET_ID attribute from the RXNSAT file.


getSplSetId( 757702 )


{ "34B56F73-BEA4-4265-8B2A-C57520CF8E70" }

getStrength( rxcui )

Gets the strength attribute for a specified RxNorm concept.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


The strength of the concept. This is the RXN_STRENGTH attribute from the RXNSAT file. This applies to RxNorm concepts with term type = "SBDC" or "SCDC".


# get the strength of concept rxcui=315935 "Fluconazole 100 MG"

getStrength( 315935 )


100 MG


Get the valid term types in the RxNorm data set.




An array of the valid term types. See getRelatedByType for use of these term types.




{ "BN", "BPCK", "DF", "DFG", "GPCK", "IN", "MIN", "PIN", "SBD", "SBDC", "SBDF", "SBDG", "SCD", "SCDC", "SCDF", "SCDG"}

getUNII( rxcui )

Gets the FDA Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII) code for a specified RxNorm concept.


rxcui - the RxNorm identifier


The FDA Unique Ingredient Identifier Code for the concept. This is the UNII_CODE attribute from the RXNSAT file.


getUNII( 235784 )



RxNorm Web API Client

An interactive web client which calls the RxNorm API functions is publicly available. To access the client, bring up a web browser and enter the following URL: http://mor.nlm.nih.gov/perl/rxnav_api_demo.pl

This will bring up the application shown below:

RxNorm API Client

The web application can call any of the API functions available from the Method: drop down list. Parameters for the functions are entered in the Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 and Arg4 positions on the screen. In the example below, the function getConceptProperties is selected and 161 is entered for Arg1 (the RxCUI). The answer is shown in the blue box below the form.

RxNorm API Client - getConceptProperties

Recent API changes

Release Date: February 21, 2012
Modules affected: getRxcuiStatus
Description of changes:
Function getRxcuiStatus has been added to the API.
Release Date: December 14, 2011
Modules affected: getAllConceptsByTTY, getAllProperties, getPropNames, getPropCategories, findRxcuiById, getIdTypes
Description of changes:
Functions getAllConceptsByTTY, getAllProperties, getPropNames and getPropCategories have been added to the API. New ID types NDA (New Drug Application) and ANDA (Abbreviated New Drug Application) were added to the list of searchable IDs for findRxcuiById.
Release Date: October 13, 2011
Modules affected: getRelatedByType, getAllRelatedInfo
Description of changes:
The API has been changed to return data for the new TTYs introduced in the October release - SBDG, SCDG, and DFG.
Release Date: August 29, 2011
Modules affected: approxMatch, getProprietaryInformation
Description of changes:
Initial release of approxMatch, a function to find concepts which approximately match a given string. The getProprietaryInformation function has been modified to be able to search on an RxAUI.
Release Date: May 2, 2011
Modules affected: getRelatedByType, getAllRelatedInfo
Description of changes:
For getRelatedByType and getAllRelatedInfo, the determination of the related concepts has changed when starting or ending with an ingredient (PIN) concept. See the default path table for more details. This plus a query change was made to speed up the response time.
Release Date: January 31, 2011
Modules affected: getProprietaryInformation, getSourceTypes, getRelatedByType, getAllRelatedInfo
Description of changes:
The proxyTicket parameter should be generated from the UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) authorization server for use in getProprietaryInformation.
A new function called getSourceTypes was added to return the valid source abbreviations which can be used in getProprietaryInformation.

For getRelatedByType and getAllRelatedInfo, the determination of the related concepts has changed when starting or ending with a precise ingredient (PIN) concept. See the default path table for more details.

Release Date: December 1, 2010
Modules affected: findRemapped
Description of change:
A new function findRemapped was added.
Release Date: September 7, 2010
Modules affected: getRelatedByType, getAllRelatedInfo, getRelatedByRelationship, getTermTypes, getRelaTypes
Description of change:
The September 2010 release of RxNorm data introduced the MIN (multiple ingredient) term type, and includes new relationships - "part_of" and "has_part" between MIN and PIN/IN term types, and "ingredients_of" and "has_ingredients" between MIN and SCD term types.
Release Date: August 10, 2010
Modules affected: getSplSetId
Description of change:
New function to get the Structured Product Label set identifiers for a given concept.
Release Date: August 6, 2010
Modules affected: findRxcuiById
Description of change:
Allowing search on HIC_SEQN.
Release Date: July 22, 2010
Modules affected: findRxcuiByString
Description of change:
Addition of a fourth parameter - searchType. This allows users to specify whether an exact match or normalized string search is to be executed. Previously, exact match searching was done.
Release Date: June 30, 2010
Modules affected:
Description of change:
Introduction of the RxNorm RESTful Web API. For details see the RxNorm RESTful Web API User's Guide.
Release Date: June 10, 2010
Modules affected: findRxcuiById
Description of change:
Allowing search on NUI and SPL_SET_ID.
Release Date: April 14, 2010
Modules affected: getUNII
Description of change:
New function added to user documentation and to the WSDL file.
Release Date: February 15, 2010
Modules affected: getStrength, getQuantity
Description of change:
New functions added to user documentation and to the WSDL file.
Release Date: October 7, 2009
Modules affected: getDisplayTerms
Description of change:
New function added to user documentation and to the WSDL file.
Release Date: August 17, 2009
Modules affected: findRxcuiById, getIdTypes
Description of change:
The GCN identifier has been replaced by GCN_SEQNO.
Release Date: July 8, 2009
Modules affected: getAllRelatedInfo, getRxConceptProperties, getRelatedByType, getTermTypes
Description of change:
The PIN (precise ingredient) term type was added starting with the July 2009 release of the RxNorm data set. RxNorm terms of this type previously had an IN term type. The PIN term type will be returned as part of the structure returned by getAllRelatedInfo. PIN is also now a valid input type for getRelatedByType.
Release Date: April 28, 2009
Modules affected: findRxcuiById, with idType = "NDC"
Description of change:
The change fixes a problem in the findRxcuiById function when used with the NDC identifier type. In certain cases RxCUIs were not returned when the NDC identifier was contained in more than one concept. This problem occurred regardless of the value of the allSourcesFlag parameter.
Release Date: March 23, 2009
Modules affected: getRelatedByType, getAllRelatedInfo
Description of change:
The change fixes a problem in the getRelatedByType and the getAllRelatedInfo functions when the term type (TTY) associated with the RxCUI was a branded pack (BPCK). In certain cases the related ingredient (IN) and clinical drug component (SCDC) concepts were not returned.

Comments? Feedback? Questions?
Contact: Contact us

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