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FRB Mortgage Comparison Calculator
This mortgage calculator is designed to help you compare the monthly payments and the amount of equity you will build in your home for several kinds of fixed and adjustable-rate mortgages. You can get more information on how to use this calculator and learn important information about the calculations you will see. Select the types of mortgages you want to compare by filling in interest rates for those mortgages. You can find information about interest rates on the Internet, in newspapers, or from your financial institution, lender, or broker. You will need to compare at least one fixed-rate mortgage with at least one adjustable-rate mortgage.

Loan Information - Required
Help - Home value Help - Primary mortgage amount
Help - ARM Help - Second mortgage amount

Fixed-rate mortgage
Provide interest rate for at least one (Optional) Interest only fixed rate
% Help - 30-year fixed-rate % Help - Interest rate for interest-only fixed-rate mortgage
% Help - 15-year fixed-rate.
Adjustable-rate mortgage
% Help - Expected interest rate change.
Provide an interest rate for at least one of the ARMs, interest-only ARMs, or payment-option ARMs listed below
% Help - Adjustable Rate Mortgage.
  5-year payment-option ARM If you want to compare a payment-option mortgage, please fill in all 3 boxes.
  Help - Introductory rate period
% Help - Introductory rate
% Help - Fully-indexed rate
% Help - Interest-only ARM
Private mortgage insurance
If you know your PMI add it here
   Help - PMI
Second mortgage information
% Help - Second mortgage rate
   Help - Second mortgage term