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Communities of Interest/Focus Areas

The Communities of Interest are subgroups of the Regional Advisory Committee whose purpose is to engage in ongoing discussion of how dynamic themes impact the library and health information setting and how libraries should prepare for and respond to these themes.

Each COI may develop an activity, training module or presentation related to the theme. Funds will be made available for a COI to propose, prepare and conduct an activity. The activity should foster the ongoing discussion of the library's role in health information delivery within the context of an issue or aspect of a focus area.

The Community of Interest will also foster dialogue or discussion of either overarching or sub-themes related to the focus area. Discussions may take place virtually over the NER Blog or similar medium, or discussions can be held at MLA chapter meetings. The discussions should inform the COI and NER about the current responses or needs related to libraries and their provision information services.

The COI will keep the RML and Network members informed of events or opportunities on the regional or national level that are related to the focus area. The COI will communicate these events to members through our NER mailing system.

These focus areas reflect the changing dynamics across all health care and health services institutions:

  • Health Care Workforce is concerned with issues and trends related to the composition, distribution, preparation, and ongoing development of students and professionals in the health care setting. The Health Care Workforce area examines the information needs of diverse health care professionals, the education levels for health care certification, the expansion of health care access in rural and metropolitan areas, cultural competency in health care, among many other issues.
  • Healthy Communities relates to approaches in community-based problem solving that address local health care issues. These problems or issues are usually related to preventive medicine, healthy lifestyle and behavior choices. Healthy Communities are based on a broader definition of health than previously considered, understanding common values and developing a shared vision and ownership of problem solving approaches.
  • Health Literacy deals with the communication of information and the critical literacy skills needed for personal and community empowerment. Promoting health literacy involves fostering new skills for health sciences librarians moving beyond acquiring a basic understanding of health literacy issues.
  • HealthIT is concerned with the dramatic changes affecting health care by the mandated adoption of an Electronic Health Record (EHR). These changes are widespread and affect hospitals, large and small practices, and those state system offices charged with establishing its infrastructure.
  • eScience consists of various modes of learning about eScience principles, working concepts, and skills. The eScience initiative will help stimulate librarians and information professionals involved in the application of eScience practices. Activities such as the yearly Symposium and Boot Camp offer opportunities for in-person formal learning modes. An eScience Portal for New England Librarians has been developed to foster learning and collaboration in eScience.