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COPS Training: Combating Dog Fighting Training

Combating Dog Fighting Training

Training Course: Combating Dog Fighting
Mode of Delivery: Web-based (Online)
Training Provider: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty
Target Audience: Law Enforcement and Animal Welfare Professionals  

Course Description: This free online course addresses how to detect, investigate, and take action against dog fighting within your jurisdiction. Part One, Understanding Dog Fighting, contains a comprehensive overview of dog fighting in the United States. Part Two, Investigating and Responding to Dog Fighting, contains information and resources to help you properly investigate and strategically respond to dog fighting. The self-paced course runs less than two hours. Watch a short clipIcon: External Link of the course (Warning: contains graphic images of animal cruelty.).

For additional information on this course: Icon: External Link






























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