
For more detailed information from the Office of Advocacy, sign up at for email delivery of news releases, The Small Business Advocate newsletter, small business research findings and statistics, and regulatory news.

  • Press Releases Press Releases provide customers with information on happenings in the small business world of Washington, D.C. Reporters, trade associations, writers, academics, elected officials, and small business owners will all appreciate getting the ...
  • Advocacy Newsletter Subscribe electronically to receive the Office of Advocacy's newsletter, The Small Business Advocate. The Small Business Advocate is a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter that details economic developments and regulatory trends related to ...
  • Press KitThis page serves as a resource bank for members of the press who need information for SBA's Office of Advocacy. Included on this page is contact information for the Advocacy Office Press Secretary, biographical information and high resolution ...
  • Conferences The conferences below highlight the Office of Advocacy's mission to protect, strengthen and effectively represent the nation's small businesses within the federal government's legislative and rule-making processes.