
Levee Toolkit
Levee Toolkits CD Cover FEMA is committed to helping educate citizens about their flood risks, and the ways they can protect themselves from the devastating financial consequences of a flood. Communities with levees have unique flood risks and this toolkit is provided to help communicate about those risks and the protection flood insurance provides. This suite of materials is designed to be adapted and used as your community addresses the impact of a levee status change. Included are guidelines, fact sheets, sample letters, web resources and other information that will help explain the changes and their flood insurance implications. If your internet connection isn't fast enough to download this information, you can order the Levee Toolkit by simply calling us at 800-480-2520 and giving code F-698.

Levee Toolkit

Map Change Toolkit
Insurance Toolkits CD Cover This toolkit is designed for communities going through flood map updates. While regular updates to flood hazard maps are critically important to help protect lives and properties in communities across the country, these updates can often confuse property owners and challenge industry representatives and local officials who need to clearly explain to constituents, clients and the media the insurance implications of map changes in their area. This comprehensive suite of materials can help! If your internet connection isn't fast enough to download this information, you can order the Map Change Toolkit by simply emailing us at

Map Change Toolkit

Preferred Risk Policy Eligibility Extension Information

Flood Outreach Toolkit
Flood Outreach Toolkits CD Cover This toolkit provides resources to help the audiences you connect with on a regular basis—community members and the media—understand the importance of flood preparedness and protection. The materials are also designed to support your outreach to victims of flood disasters. The materials include core messages and information about flood insurance that can be used in most areas of the country. If your internet connection isn't fast enough to download this information, you can order the Flood Outreach Toolkit by simply calling us at 800-480-2520 and giving code F-693.

Flood Outreach Toolkit

Spanish Language Materials Toolkit
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has developed this valuable Spanish Library to assist efforts to better educate and inform communities with a Spanish-speaking population about the importance of flood insurance coverage.

The library provides resources written in Spanish with their English equivalent, to help insurance agents, community officials and stakeholders connect with different audiences to help them understand in Spanish the importance of flood preparedness and protection. The materials are also designed to support outreach to victims of flood disasters. The materials in this library include core messages and information about flood insurance that can be used in most areas of the country.

The suite of Spanish materials includes fact sheets, brochures and talking points that are indicated as either 1) resource material for agents (and others) or 2) outreach materials for distribution to the public and the media.

If you have questions, suggestions or requests for additional materials, please e-mail them to

Spanish Language Materials Toolkit

The average flood insurance policy costs $600 per year.
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Last Updated: Wednesday, 06-May-2009, 1:27 PM (CDT)

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