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Public Health Emergency Widgets Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget

The Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget links you to the latest public health emergency preparedness, response and recovery information. During a national public health emergency, the widget will change to direct you to the information related to the current emergency.

Public Health Emergency. Share This

Copy the following code for the Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget:

<img width="175" height="220" width="175" height="220" alt="Public Health Emergency." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#phewidget" /> <map name="phewidget" id="phewidget"><area shape="rect" coords="2,191,172,219" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,191,172,219" alt="Share This Widget" /><area shape="rect" coords="1,1,175,189" href="" shape="rect" coords="1,1,175,189" alt="" />

PHE Newsroom Widget

The PHE Newsroom provides a central location for news and information on federal initiatives related to public health emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.

Public Health Emergency Newsroom. Public Health Emergency NewsroomShare this Widget

Copy the following code for the PHE Newsroom Widget:

<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Public Health Emergency Newsroom." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#newswidget" complete="complete" /> <map name="newswidget" id="newswidget"> <area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Public Health Emergency Newsroom" /> <area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>

PHE Situation Room Widget

The PHE Situation Room is your one stop shop for situational awareness on issues related to public health emergencies.

Public Health Emergency Situation Room. Public Health Emergency Situation Room WidgetShare this Widget

Copy the following code for the Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget:

Copy the following code for the PHE Situation Room Widget:

<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Public Health Emergency Situation Room." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#situationwidget" complete="complete" /> <map name="situationwidget" id="situationwidget"> <area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Public Health Emergency Situation Room Widget" /> <area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>

Emergency Response Guidebook Widget

The Emergency Response Guidebook provides information to help responders make informed decisions regarding chemical spills or hazardous materials releases.

Emergency Response Guidebook. Emergency Response GuidebookShare this Widget

Copy the following code for the Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget:

Copy the following code for the Emergency Response Guidebook Widget:

<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Emergency Response Guidebook." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#ergwidget" complete="complete" /> <map name="ergwidget" id="ergwidget"> <area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Emergency Response Guidebook" /> <area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>