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HUD   >   State Information   >   Arizona   >   Stories   >   2011-11-21
Sustainable Communities Awards: $2.9 Million to Phoenix for 2011

HUD Region IX Regional Administrator Ophelia Basgal made the announcement.

HUD announces $2.9 million to Phoenix in Sustainability Community funds to create the Reinvent Phoenix Program.  It is a new model for urban development along the light rail in Phoenix to cultivate equity, engagement, economic development and design excellence. 

HUD Region IX Regional Administrator Ophelia Basgal made the announcement at a November 21 event.  Joining her were U.S. Congressman Ed Pastor, City of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, City Manager David Cavazos, and Mayor-Elect Greg Stanton.

The $2.9 million grant will fund the Reinvent Phoenix program.  Through public engagement, the program expects to involve residents.  They will assist in identifying strategic improvements that will enhance safe, convenient access to quality, affordable housing; well-paying jobs; education and training programs; fresh food and healthcare services. This will be done through planning, regulatory reform, innovative infrastructure designs, economic development incentives, capacity building, and affordable housing implementation activities.  The Reinvent Phoenix program will eliminate physical and institutional barriers to transit-oriented development and catalyze livable, sustainable development.

Read the news release here.