Conversation Starters Conversation Starters

STD Testing: Conversation starters

Talk before you have sex.

“Getting tested before we have sex will protect both of us.”

“Why take a chance when we can know for sure?”

There are other things you may want to talk to your partner about, such as:

  • Sexual history – the number of partners you’ve had and what kind of protection you used
  • Risk factors – whether you’ve had unprotected sex or used needles

Share the facts.

“Many people who have an STD don’t know it.”

“The sooner most STDs are found, the easier they are to treat.”

“Getting tested is easier than ever before. They can test your urine for chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most common STDs. And some HIV tests can give results in 20 minutes. You may not even have to give blood.”

Get tested together.

“Let’s get tested together.”

“I was tested for STDs, including HIV. Are you willing to do the same?”

Agree to stay safe.

“If we’re going to have sex, using condoms is the best way to protect us from STDs. Let’s use condoms every time we have sex.”

“We can enjoy sex more if we know it’s safe.”

For more information about getting tested for STDs: