Social Media and Web 2.0 at the National Archives

Wiki Comment and Posting Policy

You are encouraged to share your comments, ideas, and concerns on the Our Archives wiki. By using the Our Archives wiki, you agree to abide by the comment and posting policy. Please be aware of the following policies for this wiki:

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  • By contributing to the Our Archives wiki you accept that other users may edit, alter, or remove your contribution. If you do not want your contribution to be used in this way, please do not submit it to Our Archives. You may want to keep a personal copy of your own contributions.

Any person may report content that violates the comment and posting policy to the wiki organizers at We appreciate the participation of the community in making this wiki a welcoming and productive space. Please include a hyperlink to each page of concern as a reference.

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The Policy and Planning Staff manages this planning wiki as a portal for information from the U.S. National Archives and Record Administration. However, information posted on this wiki is not official policy of NARA and will in no way grant anyone any rights, privileges, or standing on any matter. All information should be verified through official channels at NARA. For contact information at NARA please check

Social Media and Web 2.0 at the National Archives >

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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