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Browse by TopicKidtastics

En este podcast infantil, los niños kidtastics hablan sobre cómo empacar el almuerzo de manera segura, para no enfermarse.

Empaca el almuerzo (Power Packing)

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En este podcast infantil, los niños kidtastics hablan sobre cómo empacar el almuerzo de manera segura, para no enfermarse.  Created: 8/16/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 10/30/2012.

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En este podcast infantil, los niños kidtastics hablan sobre cómo seleccionar alimentos saludables.

Escoger las comidas (Dining Decisions)

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En este podcast infantil, los niños kidtastics hablan sobre cómo seleccionar alimentos saludables.  Created: 8/25/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 10/30/2012.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about the harmful effects of the sun and how to protect yourself from it.

Sun Proof

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about the harmful effects of the sun and how to protect yourself from it.  Created: 10/23/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/23/2012.

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Las celebraciones de Halloween son muy divertidas para los niños, pero enfermarse o lastimarse por esta causa no debe ser parte de la diversión. En este podcast para niños, los personajes de Kidtastics ofrecen algunos consejos sencillos para mantenerse seguro y saludable en Halloween.

Celebra Halloween de manera segura (Halloween: Have Fun and Stay Safe and Healthy)

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Las celebraciones de Halloween son muy divertidas para los niños, pero enfermarse o lastimarse por esta causa no debe ser parte de la diversión. En este podcast para niños, los personajes de Kidtastics ofrecen algunos consejos sencillos para mantenerse seguro y saludable en Halloween.  Created: 10/15/2012 by CDC Office of Women’s Health.   Date Released: 10/15/2012.

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre el virus del Nilo Occidental y cómo protegerse de él.

Lo que dicen del virus del Nilo Occidental (The Buzz-z-z on West Nile Virus)

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre el virus del Nilo Occidental y cómo protegerse de él.  Created: 1/12/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/30/2012.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about West Nile Virus and how to protect yourself from it.

The Buzz-z-z on West Nile Virus

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about West Nile Virus and how to protect yourself from it.  Created: 1/12/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/12/2012.

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El otoño es una gran época para hacer nuevas actividades saludables con tus papás. Invita a tus amigos a la casa para probar nuevos alimentos o para competir a ver quién rastrilla más hojas. Para todo lo que planees, ¡asegúrate de divertirte manteniéndote seguro!

Salud y seguridad en el otoño (Have a Safe and Healthy Fall)

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El otoño es una gran época para hacer nuevas actividades saludables con tus papás. Invita a tus amigos a la casa para probar nuevos alimentos o para competir a ver quién rastrilla más hojas. Para todo lo que planees, ¡asegúrate de divertirte manteniéndote seguro!  Created: 10/14/2010 by CDC Office of Women’s Health.   Date Released: 1/10/2012.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about how to stay active if you have asthma.

Don’t Let Asthma Keep You Out of the Game

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about how to stay active if you have asthma.  Created: 1/10/2012 by National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH).   Date Released: 1/10/2012.

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre almuerzos creativos para llevarse a la escuela, que ayuden a mantenerse con energía el resto del día.

Un almuerzo para llevar saludable (Packing Smart)

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre almuerzos creativos para llevarse a la escuela, que ayuden a mantenerse con energía el resto del día.  Created: 8/22/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 1/3/2012.

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre la rabia y cómo prevenirla.

Querer a los animales sin descuidar tu salud (Love Animals AND Stay Safe)

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre la rabia y cómo prevenirla.  Created: 8/16/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 1/3/2012.

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics presentan algunas buenas ideas de refrigerios o “snacks” que ayudan a mantener al cuerpo con energía.

"Snacks" saludables (Smart Snacks)

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics presentan algunas buenas ideas de refrigerios o “snacks” que ayudan a mantener al cuerpo con energía.  Created: 8/22/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 12/29/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about things you can do to deal with bullying.

The Bully Roundup

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about things you can do to deal with bullying.  Created: 12/27/2011 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention.   Date Released: 12/27/2011.

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En este podcast para niños, Kidtastics ofrece ideas sencillas sobre cómo mantenerse seguros y saludables durante las fiestas de fin de año.

Salud y seguridad en las fiestas del invierno (Stay Safe and Healthy This Winter!)

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En este podcast para niños, Kidtastics ofrece ideas sencillas sobre cómo mantenerse seguros y saludables durante las fiestas de fin de año.  Created: 11/23/2010 by CDC Office of Women’s Health.   Date Released: 12/27/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about making smart food choices.

Dining Decisions

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about making smart food choices.  Created: 8/25/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/25/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about some great snacks to munch on that will keep your body moving!

Smart Snacks

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about some great snacks to munch on that will keep your body moving!  Created: 8/22/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/22/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about packing a lunch that's not boring and is full of the power and energy kids need to make it through the day.

Packing Smart

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about packing a lunch that's not boring and is full of the power and energy kids need to make it through the day.  Created: 8/22/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/22/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about how to pack a lunch safely, to help keep you from getting sick.

Power Packing

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about how to pack a lunch safely, to help keep you from getting sick.  Created: 8/16/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/16/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about rabies and how to help prevent it.

Love Animals AND Stay Safe

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about rabies and how to help prevent it.  Created: 8/16/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/16/2011.

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En este podcast para chicos, los personajes de Kidtastics hablan de las conmociones cerebrales: su gravedad, los síntomas y lo que se debe hacer cuando se cree que uno puede tener una conmoción cerebral.

Un chichón en la cabeza (A Bump on the Head)

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En este podcast para chicos, los personajes de Kidtastics hablan de las conmociones cerebrales: su gravedad, los síntomas y lo que se debe hacer cuando se cree que uno puede tener una conmoción cerebral.  Created: 2/15/2011 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).   Date Released: 7/19/2011.

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics ofrecen consejos sencillos para cuidarse de los monstruosos microbios.

Protégete de los monstruosos microbios (Protect Yourself from Germ Monsters)

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics ofrecen consejos sencillos para cuidarse de los monstruosos microbios.  Created: 2/3/2011 by CDC Office of Women's Health (OWH).   Date Released: 6/9/2011.

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre las medidas de seguridad que se deben observar al salir para andar en bicicleta o patinar.

Precauciones al andar en bicicleta o patinar (Stay Safe Riding Bikes or Skating Outside)

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En este podcast para niños, los chicos de Kidtastics hablan sobre las medidas de seguridad que se deben observar al salir para andar en bicicleta o patinar.  Created: 2/2/2011 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).   Date Released: 4/19/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about concussions, including how serious they are, symptoms, what to do if you think you have one, and tips for preventing them.

A Bump on the Head

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about concussions, including how serious they are, symptoms, what to do if you think you have one, and tips for preventing them.  Created: 2/15/2011 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).   Date Released: 2/15/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics offer some simple ways to stay safe from germ monsters.

Protect Yourself from Germ Monsters

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics offer some simple ways to stay safe from germ monsters.  Created: 2/3/2011 by CDC Office of Women's Health (OWH).   Date Released: 2/3/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about safety when outside, riding bikes or skating.

Stay Safe Riding Bikes or Skating Outside

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics talk about safety when outside, riding bikes or skating.  Created: 2/2/2011 by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).   Date Released: 2/2/2011.

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics offer some simple ways to stay safe and healthy during the winter holiday season.

Stay Safe and Healthy This Winter!

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In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics offer some simple ways to stay safe and healthy during the winter holiday season.  Created: 11/23/2010 by CDC Office of Women’s Health.   Date Released: 11/23/2010.

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Halloween is a fun time for kids, but it's no fun if you get sick or hurt. In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics offer some simple ways to stay safe and healthy on Halloween.

Halloween: Have Fun and Stay Safe and Healthy!

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Halloween is a fun time for kids, but it's no fun if you get sick or hurt. In this podcast for kids, the Kidtastics offer some simple ways to stay safe and healthy on Halloween.  Created: 10/25/2010 by CDC Office of Women’s Health.   Date Released: 10/25/2010.

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Fall is a great time to try new and healthy activities with your parents! Have a food tasting or a leaf raking contest! Whatever your plans, make sure to have fun and be safe!

Have a Safe and Healthy Fall

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Fall is a great time to try new and healthy activities with your parents! Have a food tasting or a leaf raking contest! Whatever your plans, make sure to have fun and be safe!  Created: 10/14/2010 by CDC Office of Women’s Health.   Date Released: 10/14/2010.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics les enseña a los niños a mantenerse seguros y saludables cuando visitan zoológicos infantiles o ferias de animales.

¡Me encantan los zoológicos donde se acaricia a los animales! (I Love Petting Zoos!)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics les enseña a los niños a mantenerse seguros y saludables cuando visitan zoológicos infantiles o ferias de animales.  Created: 3/23/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC habla de la manera en que los niños se pueden mantener sanos y seguros en los campamentos.

Seguridad cuando vamos de campamento (Camping Safety)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC habla de la manera en que los niños se pueden mantener sanos y seguros en los campamentos.  Created: 3/2/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC enseña a los niños a lavarse correctamente las manos.

Todo lo que hay que hacer es lavarse las manos (All You Have to Do is Wash Your Hands)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC enseña a los niños a lavarse correctamente las manos.  Created: 3/26/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics habla del peligro que representan los reptiles y anfibios de transmitir Salmonella y cómo prevenir una infección.

¡No beses al sapo! (Don't Kiss a Frog!)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics habla del peligro que representan los reptiles y anfibios de transmitir Salmonella y cómo prevenir una infección.  Created: 8/4/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast helps kids learn how to be safe around water.

Getting Along Swimmingly

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast helps kids learn how to be safe around water.  Created: 4/1/2010 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC enseña a los niños a tener precaución en el agua.

¡A nadar más a gusto! (Getting Along Swimmingly)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC enseña a los niños a tener precaución en el agua.  Created: 4/1/2010 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

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This Kidtastics podcast helps children learn about how to stay safe and healthy when visiting petting zoos and other animal exhibits.

I Love Petting Zoos!

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This Kidtastics podcast helps children learn about how to stay safe and healthy when visiting petting zoos and other animal exhibits.  Created: 3/23/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/23/2010.

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This video shows kids how to properly wash their hands, one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.

Wash Your Hands

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This video shows kids how to properly wash their hands, one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.  Created: 3/8/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/8/2010.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses how kids can stay safe and healthy while camping.

Camping Safety

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses how kids can stay safe and healthy while camping.  Created: 3/2/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/2/2010.

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This song (sung to the tune of Happy Birthday) encourages kids to wash their hands with soap and water to keep germs away. The song is sung twice through, the recommended length of time to wash hands. Sing along!

Happy Handwashing Song

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This song (sung to the tune of Happy Birthday) encourages kids to wash their hands with soap and water to keep germs away. The song is sung twice through, the recommended length of time to wash hands. Sing along!  Created: 2/25/2010 by National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases (NCPDCID), Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ).   Date Released: 2/25/2010.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses how people can get Salmonella from water frogs and aquariums.

Water Frogs, Aquariums, and Salmonella -- Oh My!

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses how people can get Salmonella from water frogs and aquariums.  Created: 12/9/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 12/9/2009.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses the danger of reptiles and amphibians carrying and spreading <i>Salmonella</i> and how to prevent infection.

Don't Kiss a Frog!

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses the danger of reptiles and amphibians carrying and spreading Salmonella and how to prevent infection.  Created: 8/4/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 8/4/2009.

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC habla de lo que pueden hacer los niños y sus padres para conservar los alimentos en buen estado y evitar enfermedades.

Higiene de los alimentos (Keeping Food Safe)

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Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC habla de lo que pueden hacer los niños y sus padres para conservar los alimentos en buen estado y evitar enfermedades.  Created: 5/27/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 5/27/2009.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses things kids and parents can do to help prevent illness by keeping food safe.

Keeping Food Safe

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses things kids and parents can do to help prevent illness by keeping food safe.  Created: 5/27/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 5/27/2009.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses things kids can do to help prevent infection with any infectious disease, including H1N1 flu.

Things You Can Do to Stay Away from the Flu

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast discusses things kids can do to help prevent infection with any infectious disease, including H1N1 flu.  Created: 5/8/2009 by National Center for Health Marketing (NCHM).   Date Released: 5/8/2009.

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Este podcast habla de las formas en que los niños pueden ayudar a prevenir las enfermedades infecciosas y las infecciones, como la que causa el virus nuevo de la influenza H1N1.

Lo que puedes hacer para que no te dé influenza (Things You Can Do to Stay Away from the Flu)

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Este podcast habla de las formas en que los niños pueden ayudar a prevenir las enfermedades infecciosas y las infecciones, como la que causa el virus nuevo de la influenza H1N1.  Created: 5/8/2009 by National Center for Health Marketing (NCHM).   Date Released: 5/8/2009.

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast teaches children how and when to wash their hands properly.

All You Have to Do is Wash Your Hands

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This CDC Kidtastics podcast teaches children how and when to wash their hands properly.  Created: 3/26/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 3/26/2009.

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