Health and Aging

Health & Aging Organizations Directory


AARP is a nonprofit organization that advocates for older Americans' health, rights, and life choices. Local chapters provide information and services on crime prevention, consumer protection, and income tax preparation. Members can join group health, auto, life, and home insurance programs, investment plans, or a discount mail-order pharmacy service. The AgeLine database, available on CD-ROM, contains extensive resources on issues of concern to older people. Publications are available on housing, health, exercise, retirement planning, money management, leisure, and travel.

601 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20049
United States
  • 1-888-OUR-AARP (687-2277) (toll-free)
  • 1-877-MAS-DE50 (877-627-3350) (toll-free Spanish)
  • +1-202-434-3525 (International calls)
Email Address(s):