ARCOS > ARCOS Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 

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Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS)

November 10, 2009

All ARCOS Registrants

RE: ARCOS Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Program

The Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) reporting system is now available to all DEA registered manufacturers and distributors . The ARCOS Unit encourages all ARCOS Participants to use the ARCOS EDI system to transmit required monthly or quarterly ARCOS reports. ARCOS EDI is a secure internet portal system that allows 24/7 reporting. A user’s guide is available to ARCOS participants when the EDI system is accessed. Manufacturers and distributors who elect to report using the EDI system will no longer be required to mail their ARCOS reports to DEA.

The ARCOS EDI program has been designed to offer the following improvements and advantages to participating manufacturers and distributors:

  • Provides a cost effective method of submitting transaction reports to DEA
  • Faster processing and turnaround of transaction and error reports
  • Help Desk assistance available to answer all questions

Transmitting data via the internet through the ARCOS EDI portal has eliminated the requirement for mailing diskettes and compact disks (CD) to the ARCOS Unit. CD’s and diskettes are no longer accepted by the ARCOS Unit. Paper reporting on DEA Form-333’s is also an acceptable reporting method.

To register for the program, the attached ARCOS EDI form must be completed and faxed or mailed to the Drug Enforcement Administration. Fax the completed form to the ARCOS Unit at 202-307-8612 or mail it to DEA Headquarters, Attn: ARCOS Unit, P.O. Box 2520, Springfield, VA 22152-2520. When DEA receives the EDI request form, the ARCOS Unit will contact the responsible individuals to set up user accounts and provide all information needed for participation in the program. Please direct questions regarding the ARCOS EDI program to the ARCOS staff at (202) 307-8600.

ARCOS EDI Request Form (PDF)

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