Chemical Program

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Chemical Program

Summary: The mission of DEA’s Chemical Control Program is to reduce the supply of illicit drugs and diverted chemicals by disrupting and dismantling the operations and financial infrastructures of major trafficking organizations.  The production of illegal drugs such as methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and MDMA (ecstasy) requires enormous quantities of precursor chemicals.  The Chemical Control Program works with domestic and international partners to target the drug and chemical trafficking organizations most responsible for the production, distribution, and diversion of precursor chemicals.  DEA’s strategy is to deny precursor chemicals  - raw products and chemicals – to drug trafficking organizations and, at the same time, to ensure an adequate supply for commercial licit markets.  DEA registration, record keeping and suspicious order reporting requirements apply to importers, exporters, manufacturers, distributors and certain retailers of 41 listed chemicals. Through a combination of industry outreach and voluntary compliance measures, DEA strives to control chemical diversion in partnership with industry and the public.

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