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Office of the Director
United States
Office of Personnel Management
Washington, DC 20415-1000


John Berry

FY 2012 Presidential Rank Awards Program

I am pleased to announce the call for nominations for the FY 2012 Presidential Rank Awards. 

The Presidential Rank Award was established by statute in 1978, and is the most prestigious award in the Federal career civil service. As such, I am asking you to nominate your most exceptional career executives and senior professionals – those who have made extraordinary and lasting contributions to your agency’s effectiveness, including those who have applied innovative and cost-saving approaches, and are willing to serve as mentors to the next generation of leaders.

Agencies should submit the names of only those who have achieved truly exceptional results that have Agency-wide or Government-wide significance. Nominations this fiscal year are due March 26, 2012.  Inspectors General should nominate executives separately from their parent agencies through the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Agency Heads should consider the current challenging fiscal conditions, and accordingly limit their submission of nominations as was done last year.  Agencies should expect an extremely rigorous review process.

The President will make the final decision on award recipients after the rigorous review, which is conducted by panels of private citizens, convened by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 

Attached is detailed guidance for preparing and submitting nominations.  If you or your staff members would like any additional information about the program, please contact Stephen T. Shih, Deputy Associate Director, Executive Resources and Employee Development, by telephone at 202-606-8046.

I would like to thank each of your agencies and organizations for working with OPM on this very important award program.  I look forward to submitting the nominations of our top Federal employees for Presidential recognition of their noteworthy achievements.


Presidential Rank Award Guidance

Presidential Rank Award Express Billing Our Mission is to Recruit, Retain and Honor a
World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People
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