Malware’s Not So Entertaining

A wildly successful book series like The Hunger Games becomes a widely anticipated movie series. That means millions of curious fans on the lookout for sneak peeks, actor bios, author details, and more. Criminals are counting on it.

Rip-off artists promise hard-to-resist content, like leaked videos, to get you to click on their web pages. But security experts are warning that your online search results could be delivering more than you asked for —  viruses, keylogging programs, and other malicious software that could instantly infect your smartphone, computer, or tablet, causing it to crash or resulting in scammers getting their hands on your personal information.

What can you do about it? For more on avoiding malware — and what to do if you think you might already be infected — read OnGuard Online’s article about Malware.


Tagged with: malware, spyware
Blog Topic: Be Smart Online


I wish i would have known that in the past.maybe what happen to would have not happen to me,but all u can do is pick ur head up and try to walk like nothing ever happen.but ther are times when i just want to blow my computer up...but for the most part if u got a good vires pertecsion ther should be no problems...

Very useful tool!thank your information your article

The severity of computer infection makes it impossible
for me to do any work done. All the antivirus protection are impotent against a determined identity thief who is determined to stop me from replying to FTC and other government agencies helping me. This is cyber bullying of the worst type.

I can't even read about the article on Malware as the request is denied due to taking to long to obtain. Please help as I'm lost as what else I can do about protecting my personal computer.


We fixed the link to the Malware article. You should be able to read it now. Thanks.

what is spyware. need a definition. !

Spyware is a type of malicious software that can be installed on a personal computer to monitor the computer user's activities without his or her knowledge. Spyware can be used to collect browsing histories, personal information, login credentials, etc.

I think all the antivirus protection are impotent against a determined identity thief.
What I can do about protecting my personal computer?!

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