FEMA Think Tank

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FEMA recognizes that the best solutions to the challenges we face are generated by the people and the communities who are closest to these challenges. It is essential that these partners are invited to the table to actively participate in thought-provoking discussions.

That is why we are reaching out to state, local, and tribal governments, and to all members of the public, including the private sector, the disability community, and volunteer community, to seek their input on how to improve the emergency management system. FEMA wants to hear your ideas and suggestions, to both explore best practices and generate new ideas. The FEMA Think Tank will help facilitate these conversations and encourage further discussion.

The FEMA Think Tank has two main components:

  • Online Forum: Submit your own ideas, comment on others, and participate in conversations meant to generate creative solutions. The forum is open to anyone who wants to discuss a variety of emergency management issues, such as how as we prepare for, respond to, recover from, or mitigate against all types of disasters, as well as ideas on how we can continue to integrate the whole community.
  • Monthly Conference Call Discussions: Deputy Administrator Serino will conduct monthly conference calls to discuss some of the real-life solutions and ideas that are generated by this online forum. These calls will be open to the general public and captioning for participants who are deaf or hard of hearing will be provided. The Deputy Administrator will travel to a different location each month to personally meet with members of the emergency management community.

When is the next FEMA Think Tank?

The next FEMA Think Tank Conference Calls will take place on:

Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. CDT—focus on how our future leaders can get involved in substantive leadership and public service opportunities in emergency management. Share your comments or ideas about engaging our Next Generation in Emergency Management and Public Service.

The two programs that Deputy Administrator Serino will highlight are FEMA Corps and FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council. FEMA Corps is an innovative partnership between FEMA and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) that is intended to strengthen the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from disasters while promoting service opportunities to young adults.  FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council encourages youth voicing their opinions, ideas and solutions on strengthening the nation’s resiliency.  For more information on these programs, please visit http://blog.fema.gov/2012/08/fema-youth-preparedness-council-kicks.html and http://www.fema.gov/fema-corps.

To become an AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps member, you can apply to the FEMA Corps program link. To become a Team Leader, apply to FEMA Corps Team Leader link.

Complete instructions on the application process can be found on FEMA Corps FAQs for Applicants and Members.

Date: Thursday, September 13
Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm Central
Call-In Number: 1-800-857-9818
Pass Code: Think Tank
Captioning: http://fedrcc.us//Enter.aspx?EventID=2015878&CustomerID=321
Twitter: #femathinktank

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 3:15 p.m. EDT—focus on where we have been and the solutions that have been implemented in our communities, as well as discussing the future of FEMA Think Tank and how you can get involved. Share your comments or ideas about Looking Forward, Looking Back—FEMA Think Tank 2.0.

Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Time: 3:15pm - 3:30pm Central
Call-In Number: 1-800-957-9819
Pass Code: Think Tank
Captioning: http://fedrcc.us//Enter.aspx?EventID=2015383&CustomerID=321
Twitter: #femathinktank

What ideas will be discussed during the monthly conference call?
Each month, Deputy Administrator Serino will select three to four ideas on improving emergency management at the federal level to discuss during the conference call. The individuals that submitted these ideas will have the opportunity to brief the Deputy Administrator during the call. The call will then be opened for questions and further discussion.

Who can participate?
Anyone can participate in the FEMA Think Tank. If you have an idea or suggestion on how to improve the emergency management system, you can submit that idea to the online forum or comment, comment on another’s idea, and listen to the monthly calls with Deputy Administrator Serino.

How do I participate?
Visit FEMA's online collaboration platform to participate in an open dialogue and discussion and join the monthly conference calls.

How can I find information from previous FEMA Think Tank calls?
Visit FEMA's Think Thank conference call archives page to  hear recorded audio or read the transcript of the previous FEMA Think Tank Calls.

We look forward to a productive conversation that will generate innovative solutions and move us forward as a team.


As Deputy Administrator Serino mentioned during the July Think Tank call, FEMA is in the process of developing a new opportunity called the Citizens-Community Resilience Innovation Challenge.

While this opportunity remains under development, we envision a competitive monetary challenge program designed to assist local areas in building and enhancing community-based partnerships through innovative initiatives and programs designed to advance the nation’s resilience to disasters.

Once finalized, applicants will have the opportunity to apply for the Challenge Opportunity to be considered.

Stay tuned to www.fema.gov for the most up to date information.




Last Updated: 
09/12/2012 - 08:57
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