Indian Affairs | About Us

Branch of Wildland Fire Management

National Fire Management Goals

  • Provides leadership, executive direction, technical assistance and guidance to regions, agencies and tribal fire management programs.
  • Promotes experienced-based leadership development and workforce excellence.
  • Integrates fire management policy into tribal natural resource programs.

The Branch of Wildland Fire Management is a tribal partner dedicated to supporting tribal goals and objectives to restore and protect the natural resources and cultural landscapes of Native American tribes and Alaskan Natives. The Branch is multifaceted in its programs and as diverse as the 352 tribes it supports.

As a component of the Division of Forestry and Wildland Fire Management, the Branch reports to the Deputy Bureau Director, Office of Trust Services, in Washington, DC. With about 65 permanent, full-time employees, the Branch executes its fiduciary trust responsibility by protecting lives, property, and resources while restoring and maintaining healthy ecosystems. Using cost-effective and creative fire management programs, the Branch also promotes Indian self-determination.

Overall, the Branch consists of eight major sections: fire operations, aviation, preparedness (fuels management and prevention), fire planning, training, administration, budget and fiscal management, and communication and outreach. Each program is responsible for providing guidance to BIA central offices in Washington, DC, and regional directors regarding the integration of wildland fire procedures into natural resource management.