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John Ballard Blake, PhD banner featuring three images and captions for the different sections of the website. John Blake, historian, librarian, and tree farmer.
A head and shoulders full face black and white photograph of John Blake. Below his picture is the word Historian in black lettering. A three-quarters black and white photograph of John Blake sitting on a table in the National Library of Medicine's Incunabula room. Below his picture is the word Librarian in black lettering. John Blake and his wife Jean standing in a stewardship forest. Below their picture is the word Tree Farmer in black lettering.

John Ballard Blake, Ph.D.


A black and white half length photograph John Blake in the History of Medicine Division reading room holding an open book in his hands.

John Ballard Blake, Ph.D., Chief of the National Library of Medicine’s History of Medicine Division, 1962-1982, and the first to hold that position, died on September 24, 2006.

He was a distinguished historian, leader in the medical library profession and tree farmer.

This website is dedicated to him.