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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

RxNorm Release Notes

July Release - 07/06/2010

This release of RxNorm is consistent with the 2010AA UMLS Metathesaurus release. For additional information about RxNorm releases, including scripts for loading the RxNorm data into Oracle and MySQL databases, read the RxNorm Documentation.


The following sources have been updated since the previous RxNorm release:

Source NameSABDate Updated
Gold Standard Alchemy GS 06/08/2010
Medi-Span Master Drug Data Base MDDB 06/09/2010
Multum MediSource Lexicon MMSL 06/01/2010
Micromedex DRUGDEX MMX 06/01/2010
FDA National Drug Code Directory MTHFDA 06/01/2010
FDA Structured Product Labels MTHSPL 06/28/2010
First DataBank NDDF Plus Source Vocabulary NDDF 06/04/2010
Veterans Health Administration National Drug File - Reference Terminology NDFRT 07/06/2010
Veterans Health Administration National Drug File VANDF 05/26/2010

The following sources have not been updated since the previous RxNorm release:

Source NameSABDate Updated
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) MSH 08/17/2009
SNOMED Clinical Terms (drug information) SNOMED CT 01/31/2010

Data Changes

The July release of RxNorm features a suite of new attributes from FDA Structured Product Labels (MTHSPL) that describe the marketing status of drug products. These attributes include the New Drug Application (NDA) and Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) marketing category identifiers. An up-to-date list of FDA marketing categories, not all of which are included in RxNorm, can be found on the FDA Marketing Category page. Definitions of some of the categories can be found on an older FDA page.

Data Counts

Term Type or AttributeNumber
Active GPCK forms 281
Active BPCK forms 360
Active SCD forms 18,898
Active SBD forms 15,663
Active RXNORM IN atoms 4,871
Active RXNORM PIN atoms 1,528
Active RXNORM BN atoms 13,854
Active RXNORM DF atoms 100
Obsolete GPCK forms 37
Obsolete BPCK forms 12
Obsolete SCD forms 12,852
Obsolete SBD forms 3,939
Obsolete RXNORM IN atoms 0
Obsolete RXNORM PIN atoms 0
Obsolete RXNORM BN atoms 0
Obsolete RXNORM DF atoms 55
OCD atoms 261,986
Source-asserted NDC codes 556,703
Distinct Source-asserted NDC codes 341,411
SAB=RXNORM NDC codes 288,539
Distinct SAB=RXNORM NDC codes 288,539