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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
137 Contracts
1 Grants
0 Loans
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 ACCENT CONTROLS, INC. (840338420) W912NS-08-D-0017-0005 Department of the Army Contracts $230,273.67 $57,860.67 Prime
2 ACCENT CONTROLS, INC. (840338420) W912NS-08-D-0017-0005 Department of the Army Contracts $230,273.67 $57,860.67 Prime
3 ACME ERECTORS, INC. (832130046) 20090716 0003 Department of the Army Contracts $26,400.00 Sub-Recipient
4 Acoustical Ceiling Specialists, LLC (829273577) 10001-9500 Department of the Army Contracts $73,000.00 Sub-Recipient
5 Advanced Plumbing & Heating (868556309) 4275a w912ns-08-d-0010-0004 Department of the Army Contracts $51,995.00 Sub-Recipient
6 All Climate Services, LLC (135734858) 1 0000 Department of the Army Contracts $48,460.00 Sub-Recipient
7 ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC. (012705963) DAAA09-99-E-0002 Department of the Army Contracts $89,161.78 $89,161.78 Prime
8 AMERICAN LEGACY CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. (808373679) 1090012-2 0005 Department of the Army Contracts $246,841.00 Sub-Recipient
9 AMERICAN ROOFING & METAL CO., INC. (027007293) 09016-01 0011 Department of the Army Contracts $84,290.00 Sub-Recipient
10 ANDERSON ENGINEERING, INC. (031147317) 10001-1500 Department of the Army Contracts $3,184.00 Sub-Recipient
11 Architectural Glazing Professionals Inc (098195329) 53.8-AGP-01 0008 Department of the Army Contracts $42,408.00 Sub-Recipient
12 B.C. DECKER CONSTRUCTION L.L.C. (173500109) W912DQ-09-P-0150 Department of the Army Contracts $16,950.00 $16,950.00 Prime
13 BAIRD REFRIGERATION CO (948995154) W912DQ-09-P-0143 Department of the Army Contracts $12,869.00 $12,869.00 Prime
14 BALES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. (031168719) 1023901 W912NS-08-D-0017-0005 Department of the Army Contracts $172,413.00 Sub-Recipient
15 BALES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. (031168719) 1023901 Department of the Army Contracts $172,413.00 Sub-Recipient
16 BALKENBUSH MECHANICAL, INC (039673426) W911S710C0006 Department of the Army Contracts $1,383,780.00 $1,383,780.00 Prime
17 Ballard Electric LLC (832439660) 20090715 0003 Department of the Army Contracts $42,680.00 Sub-Recipient
18 BARTELS & MISSEY SIDING & INSULATION CO (052706116) W912NS-08-D-0024 Department of the Army Contracts $1,050,712.77 $660,182.77 Prime
19 BARTELS & MISSEY SIDING & INSULATION CO (052706116) W912NS-08-D-0024 Department of the Army Contracts $328,014.80 $148,638.80 Prime
20 BENHAM COMPANIES THE, LLC (169504243) W9133N-04-D-0002 Department of the Army Contracts $37,303.70 $37,303.70 Prime