Strengthening Teaching

Link to Inspired by Teachers blog postInspired by Teachers. Again.

The first few work days of a new school year are often frenetic and overloaded with everything from professional development and lesson planning to cleaning and putting up bulletin boards. During one of their back-to-school workdays, English teachers from Baltimore County offered ED a precious gift: almost two hours' of their time talking with Teaching Ambassador Fellows (TAFs) about policy, politics, and what it means to be a teacher today. Read TAF Jen Bado-Aleman's reflection from the discussion. Bado-Aleman is a teacher on loan from Gaithersburg, Md.

Sign up to get daily updates from Arne Duncan's Back-to-School Bus Tour, beginning in Redwood City, California, Sept. 12-21.

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Giving Teachers Tools to Stop Bullying: Free Training Toolkit Now Available (October 4)
Over the past three years, at our annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summits, we have heard the same call by educators-– teachers want to help stop bullying, but they don’t know how. Most...
Top 5 Highlights from Education Drives America Tour (September 28)
After more than 100 events in 48 communities in 12 states, the Education Drives America bus tour came to a close last Friday at the Department’s plaza in Washington. Secretary Duncan wraps up the...

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