Zap Acne with Your Smartphone? Your Phone’s Not That Smart

We use mobile apps to order dinner, organize our to-do lists, check the forecast, and relax with a quick game. Could an app that treats acne be the next step?

Not likely. Marketers who advertised that their apps – AcneApp and Acne Pwner – could treat acne have agreed to stop making this baseless claim to settle charges brought by the Federal Trade Commission. According to the FTC complaint, marketers claimed that people using their apps simply had to hold the phone’s display screen next to the affected area of skin as colored lights treated the acne.

The settlements would bar the marketers from making certain health-related claims without competent and reliable scientific evidence.

Keep in mind that there are certain questions you should ask before downloading any mobile app, and a little healthy skepticism goes a long way when considering health claims.

Tagged with: app, health, mobile, smartphone


I haven't really figured out drag-drop yet... but this post is very worthwhile. Thanks for posting it!


I do believe that touching your face can leave bacteria which can lead to acne. I recommed Pantothen which attacks acne at the cellular level, regulating the oil production before it can lead to acne. It is a really good product that contains pantothenic acid.

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