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The International Victimology Institute Tilburg promotes and executes interdisciplinary research that can contribute to a comprehensive, evidence-based body of knowledge on the empowerment and support of victims of crime and abuse of power.




21 September 2012
Platform Victim Organisations: together in action for the rights of victims
'Fonds Slachtofferhulp' (foundation for victim support), 'Slachtofferhulp Nederland' (Dutch victim support), the International Victimology Insitute Tilburg (INTERVICT) and their fellow organizations have joined forces in the Platform Victim Organisations. The platform aims to provide solutions to possible problems with regard to victim support and with regard to the legal position of victims. Article Fonds Slachtofferhulp Dutch information only


27 & 28 September 2012, Lisbon
Seminar Rights of Victims: a step forward
Every year, 75 million fall victims to crime in the European Union (EU). Roughly 15% of the EU's population is yearly the direct victim of serious criminality.
By themselves these numbers should set victims' needs as a priority to EU's and Member States policies. The most recent EU legislation mirrors this perspective.
Will the Member States respond accordingly?
And what new challenges arise for national agencies and organizations?
What are the cross-cutting issues at stake?
All in all, what do these victims really need?
The Seminar Victims' Rights: a step forward attempts to answer all these questions and more. It is especially aimed at judicial practitioners, police officers and victim support workers.
Click here for more information and registration.

8 November 2012
Crime Congress Tilburg University
How to respond to crime? Looking for the contemporary meaning of prevention, retribution and rehabilitation.
Misdaadcongres 2012 Tilburg University.Dutch information only

19 November 2012
PhD Defense
Malini Laxminarayan will defend her PhD thesis.
Title: 'The Heterogeneity of Crime Victims: Variations in Legal Preferences'.
16.15 hrs., Cobbenhagen building, Tilburg University


Each year, Tilburg Law School offers six to eight PhD positions. Candidates compete for these positions on the basis of their own research proposal and on the condition that they have the support of a supervisor working at TLS. Candidates who are considering applying for a PhD position with the support of an INTERVICT supervisor are requested to contact INTERVICT at intervict@tilburguniversity.edu

Please state your research interest and attach your CV to your mail.