Veterans Organizations

Operation Comfort Warriors delivers gift cards, water bottles and baseball caps to patients at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Volunteers sought to test, provide input on new Claim Coach mobile app functionality.
The Legion’s “Get out the Vote 2012” brochure helps Legionnaires and posts empower eligible citizens to vote.
Deer hunt for disabled veterans helps trigger a new era for Minnesota’s unique 600-acre retreat in the woods.

American Legion Boys State directors and staff members collected many ways to reduce no-shows, fundraise and more during the National Americanism Conference.



50th Anniversary of Vietnam American Legion Tribute
As part of the American Legion National Convention, Commander Wong encouraged Legionnaires to participate in the 50th Anniversary..
Legion charities help veterans and their families

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We Serve:
  • Veterans
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A moment in time

When did The American Legion begin campaigning for U.S. voter turnout?


After taking and passing the ALEI training I will be committed to getting the word out about the American Legion, its benefits to Vets, their families, and communities.- terryhardin64


As a former Special Forces soldier, I also took an oath (Creed) and signed a NDA both of which I have never, and will never, violate. It shows..- Les Burns

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It gives some hope for the future when listening to these teens. If you can, listen to them on Sun. even if you can't listen to all of..

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