Welcome to the
Geospatial Platform

The Geospatial Platform provides shared and trusted geospatial data, services, and applications for use by government agencies, their partners and the public

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Featured Maps

Explore featured maps and apps from all levels of government.

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Work in public and private groups with others who share your interests and ideas.

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Create a map you can view anywhere on any device and share with anyone.

About the Geospatial Platform

Federal agencies and their partners collect and manage large amounts of geospatial data - but these data are often not easily found when needed or accessible in useful forms. The Geospatial Platform provides ready access to federally maintained geospatial data, services and applications. The content of all datasets and services demarcated with the Data.gov globe have been verified by the Agency to be consistent with Federal privacy, national security, and information quality policies. As an additional service to our users, we also provide access to data from our partners across State, Tribal, Regional and local governments as well as non-governmental organizations.

Federal Geographic Data Committee