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Open Data

Calling all great examples of open government data

There are so many great examples of open government data being published.  We've linked to some of them at, but so many more exist.  What sites do you know of?  Which countries are making their data more open and their operations more transparent?


DC Government & World Bank

DC's Office of the Chief Technology Officer maintains what might be the biggest municipal data catalog out there:

The World Bank's is probably the most well organized/designed:


Resources on Civic Commons

The Civic Commons wiki catalogs these from a few different lenses: data catalogs, initiatives, policies, guidelines, etc -

It also links to many other resources that catalog these -

DATASF.ORG -- San Francisco Opens Its Data

About a year ago the city of San Francisco passed an open data law and established (Beta). Since then 200 sets of data have been released, and at least 50 apps have been built (by non-government people)  using the city's data. EcoFinder helps people find recycling locations for all kinds of items; SpotCrime plots crime incidents and sends alerts to residents; and Routesy lets people plan trips on public transportation and provides real-time information about when the next bus or train is coming. For anyone who relies on public transportation, this would be hugely helpful. It's apparently the first *law* of its kind -- at least at the city government level -- and could perhaps serve as a model for other city governments to follow.

Read the text of the law at: And here's a recent article about it (one of many):

Open Government Best Practices

New Zealand representative at the IOGDC gave a success story on open licensing:
"Ocean Survey 20/20 Portal"- helped the government and non-government organizations better manage marine resources and and assessing environmental affects

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