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CTC 2011: Where the high performing court
prepares for the future
 NYT columnist David Pogue
NYT columnist David Pogue kicked things off with an energetic review of current and upcoming consumer technologies.

CTC2011 keynote speaker Judge Steven Leifman

You can find all of the materials from Judge Steven Leifman's presentation here.

CTC2011 Exhibit Hall

Approximately 1,500 people attended CTC2011.

We hope you shared a lot, learned a lot, and had a great time at CTC2011. 

Streaming video of the conference's two keynote speakers is available:

 -- On Tuesday, New York Times technology columnist David Pogue demonstrated the latest consumer technologies and discussed how they'll change -- and have already changed -- our culture.

-- On Wednesday, Miami-Dade County Judge Steven Leifman told the personal and compelling story of his effort to reform his court's revolving-door administration of justice by partnering on change with prisons, mental health service providers, courts, prosecuting attorneys, and ulitmately the state legislature.  You can find Judge Leifman's presentation materials here.


-- Want to review the presentation material from a CTC2011 session? You can find it on the Program page -- just click on the session description.  

-- Congratulations to Jeannette Vannoy, Information Technology Manager for the Napa Superior Court, who's the winner of the National Center’s grand prize: a 52-inch Sharp Quattro LCD flat panel television.

Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to all the winners of the many great prizes awarded by CTC2011 exhibitors this year.

-- You can find conference chatter on our Twitter feed at #CTC2011, and other conference-related conversations on the CTC blog.


And thanks again to those who answered our surveys on the educational sessions and the conference overall. Your feedback will help shape next year's technology conference, e-Courts, Dec. 10-12 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

We look forward to seeing you there!