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 VAST: Vector Alignment Search Tool

There are several ways to retrieve similar 3D structures:

  Input a PDB-formatted file
directly into VAST Search
  To compare the spatial coordinates of a newly resolved 3D structure against all structures in the Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB), please put your data into a text file using PDB File format. Enter the file name in the following line, choose the data set (all or medium redundancy) against which you want to search, and click the "Submit" button. The (default) "Medium-redundancy Subset of PDB" is about 1/10 the size of "All of PDB" and therefore the search will be much faster. See the VAST Search Help document for additional details about submitting a query, and the general VAST Help document for information about the output.

  PDB file:
Searching against: Medium-redundancy Subset of PDB
  All of PDB
  Retrieve the results
of a previous VAST Search

To get results of a previous job, please enter its request identifier, a number you received when submitting the previous search, in the following line and click the "Show" button.

  Retrieve result by request ID:   
  Retrieve a 3D Structure record from MMDB → link to similar structures   If your structure of interest is already available in the Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB), a VAST search has been conducted and the precalculated VAST search results are accessible from the structure's summary page. To view the VAST search results:
(1) retrieve a structure record of interest by PDB ID, MMDB ID, or text term;
(2) open its structure summary page; then either:
(3) view the "show annotation" graphic for any protein molecule of interest; and click on the bar graphic for the overall protein molecule or for any 3D domain it contains in order to view a list of other structures that are similar in shape to the molecule or 3D domain you selected. OR:
(4) click on the "Similar Structures: VAST" link near the upper right corner of the summary page. That will open a dialog box listing the individual protein molecules that compose the structure, and the 3D domains detected in each one. Select a protein molecule or 3D domain of interest to view a list of other structures that are similar in shape to the molecule or 3D domain you selected. As a shortcut to this particular view, you can use the form below:
Show the "Similar Structures" for PDB ID or MMDB ID:
 | Revised 09 November 2011 | | Help Desk | Disclaimer | Privacy statement | Accessibility |