Peace Corps


Let the world come alive through Peace Corps-inspired podcasts, videos, slide shows, language lessons, and e-books.


Enhance your world language study with language lessons from Peace Corps countries, translations of Volunteers' stories and projects, and learn Kenyan sign language!


Tune in to stories from around the world, written and read by Peace Corps Volunteers.

Slide Shows

Peace Corps Volunteers talk about their experience through their own photographs and narrative. Learn about Chinese culture, soil erosion in Guinea, or the effects of the Tsunami in Sri Lanka.


World Wise Schools is truly your window to the world with these vivid videos of daily life in Peace Corps countries from Kyrgyzstan and Sri Lanka to the Dominican Republic and Paraguay. Gender and Development videos are also available.


Get a glimpse of life in communities across the globe by browsing through digital books. Readers can use the optional audio feature to listen to the narration of text on each page.



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