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  • Brushing Your Teeth - This factsheet explains what plaque is and the proper way to brush your teeth.
  • Bullying - GirlsHealth.gov - If you've ever been the target of harsh and unkind words, you know how hurtful it can be; this gives the low-down on bullying among girls, which is more common than you might think.
  • Diabetes - Learn more about diabetes and what you can do to recognize and prevent it.
  • Disease - Learn how scientists track down disease to try to find a cure!
  • Disease Database - Access the Disease Database - you'll learn more about their powers, weaknessess and the proper defenses available to keep your health in tip-top shape.
  • Environmental Health Science Education - A list of interactive websites that explain how the environment can affect human health.
  • Feelin' Frazzled? - Kids can get just as stressed as adults do; knowing how to deal can be half the battle!
  • Flu Center - The Flu Center has all kinds of information on what the flu is, how to protect yourself, and tips to prevent spreading the flu.
  • Germs - The Buzz on Scuzz - Learn about germs and how to stay ahead of those nasty germs.
  • Getting Your Shots - Going to the doctor to get a shot doesn't have to be scary. Here's what you need to know about shots so you can be brave at the doctor.
  • Got Butterflies? Find Out Why! - BAM! - Learn what short-term and long-term stress does to your body and how to cope with it through this interactive feature!
  • Guide to Getting Along - Solving problems in the right way also can help you get through them quickly and easily, and stop them from getting out of control, or even violent.
  • healthfinder.gov Health Sites - Find links to help kids learn about health and safety issues.
  • Infection Detection Protection - Learn about microbes, infection the flu and how microbes spread.
  • It's A Noisy Planet - Learn different ways you can protect your hearing.
  • Kids' Quest On Disability and Health - Think about people with disabilities and some of the issues related to participation in daily activities, health, and accessibility.
  • KidsHealth for Kids - KidsHealth has information on dealing with feelings, staying healthy, diseases and fun stuff too.
  • KidsHealth.org - Thousands of in-depth features, articles, animations, games, and resources - all original and all developed by experts in the health of children and teens.
  • Lurking in the Locker Room - Do you know where nasty things like bacteria and fungi may be hiding? C'mon in to the locker room to see what's lurking behind closed doors.
  • Michael's Inside Scoop on Genetics - Your genes are instruction codes for your body - telling cells what to do. These instruction codes do everything, from telling your body when to start puberty to determining the shape of your nose.
  • Military Kids on the Move - Developed by military kids, for military kids with real stories and good advice on how to make a move a good thing.
  • News You Can Use - The news can be full of stories about bad things like tornadoes, hurricanes, disease threats, bombings, kidnappings, and war. Visit this useful site to learn tips on understanding just what it all really means.
  • Sara's Quest - Play Sara's Quest to learn how drugs can harm you.
  • Smoking - BAM! - Can you believe there was a time when people didn’t know that smoking was dangerous? (Flash required)
  • Smoking - Choices and Consequences - Look here to get the real scoop on what people are up to and why you don’t need to feel like you’re smoke-free all alone - learn to say no with style.
  • Staying Healthy Every Day - Practice these good habits to stay healthy every day.
  • Stop Bullying .gov - Find out what bullying is and what you can do to stop it.
  • Stress-O-Meter - Do you feel just enough stress to keep you on your game, or are you totally wigged-out? Click through these 8 questions to get your personal stress profile.
  • Sun Proof - Bam.gov - It's key to get outside and get active - just make sure you're protected! You always need sun protection - it's just another part of your gear!
  • SunWise Kids - It's fun to play in the sun, but did you know that too much sun can be bad for you? If you ever had sunburn, you have felt some of the bad effects of too much sun and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
  • Taking Care of Your Teeth - KidsHealth.org - Your teeth are important in many ways. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.
  • Vaccines - Bam.gov - A vaccine essentially helps your immune system crack the code of a certain illness.
  • What is a Gene? - Genes carry information that helps make you who you are: curly or straight hair, long or short legs, even how you might smile or laugh, are all passed through generations of your family in genes.
  • Your Immune System - Your body system that helps fight off sickness is called the immune system; the immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body.

Kids.gov is the U.S. government's official web portal for kids