BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Home | Corrections | Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
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The corrections unit collects data on persons held under sentence of death and persons executed during the calendar year from the state departments of correction and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Preliminary counts of executions carried out during the subsequent calendar year are also presented. This page summarizes the movement of prisoners received and removed from under sentence of death. Data on offenders' sex, race, Hispanic origin, education, marital status, age at time of arrest for the capital offense, legal status at time of the offense, and method of removal are presented. The page also includes information on executions, trends, and time between imposition of death sentence and execution.

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Federal prisons Prison facilities run by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Prisoners housed in these facilities are under the legal authority of the federal government. This definition excludes the private facilities that are under exclusive contract with BOP.