BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Employment and Expenditure
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BJS Expenditure and Employment Data Collections

Justice Expenditure and Employment Extract Series. Since 1980, these justice expenditure and employment data have been extracted from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment. This series includes national and state estimates of government expenditures and employment for the following categories: police protection, judicial services (including prosecution, courts, and public defense), and corrections. Federal data for the same categories are also included, as are data for the largest local governments (counties with populations of 500,000 or more and cities with populations of 300,000 or more). Government is the unit of analysis in the Criminal Justice Employment and Expenditure Survey (CJEE). For example, corrections employment reported for a particular state represents the total number of correctional employees employed by that state regardless of agency or location—prison, probation office, or other corrections agency.


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Terms & Definitions

Direct expenditure All expenditure except that classified as inter­govern­mental. It includes "direct current expenditure" (salaries, wages, fees, and commissions and purchases of supplies, materials, and contractual services) and "capital outlays" (con­struction and purchase of equipment, land, and existing structures). Capital outlays are included for the year when the direct expenditure is made, regardless of how the funds are raised (for example, by bond issue) or when they are paid back.
Full time employees All persons employed on a full time basis, including all full time temporary or seasonal workers who were employed during this pay period.
Full time equivalent employment A statistical measure that estimates the number of full time employees that could have been employed if the reported number of hours worked by part time employees had been worked by full time employees.
Intergovernmental expenditure The sum of payments from one govern­ment to another, including grants?in?aid, shared revenues, payments in lieu of taxes, and amounts for services per­formed by one government for an­other on a reimbursable or cost?sharing basis (for example, payments by one gov­ern­ment to another for boarding prisoners). It excludes amounts paid to other governments for purchase of commodities, property, or utility services.
Judicial and legal services Includes all civil and criminal courts and acti­vities associated with courts such as law libraries, grand juries, petit juries, medical and social service activities, court reporters, judicial councils, bailiffs, and probate functions. It also includes the civil and criminal justice activities of the attorneys general, dis­trict attorneys, State's attorneys, and their variously named equivalents and corporation coun­sels, solicitors, and legal departments with various names. It excludes legal units of noncriminal justice agencies, whose functions may be performed by a legal services department in other jurisdictions (such as a county counsel).
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