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Indian Health Service

The Indian Health Service (IHS), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for approximately 2 million American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) who belong to 566 federally recognized tribes in 35 States. The IHS HIV/AIDS Program encompasses the major service-delivery systems accessed by the AI/AN community, including IHS, tribal, and urban facilities.

The IHS HIV/AIDS Program goals include ensuring access to quality health care services for those at risk and those living with HIV, increasing individual awareness of personal HIV serostatus, increasing HIV testing, addressing HIV-related social stigma and discrimination, implementing best practices, and continuing to provide and expand quality HIV care. The HIV Program continues to grow and implement new initiatives each year, including tribal policy projects, national screening initiatives, telehealth projects, and HIV clinical training.

Content provided by IHS.

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Featured Resources

  • Read related blog posts.
  • HIV/AIDS Online Training Modules for AI/AN Communities and Providers - These training modules are aimed at increasing the awareness, knowledge, and skills of providers, AI/AN people living with HIV/AIDS, and community members interested in learning about this infection. HIV/AIDS is a reality in the American Indian and Alaska Native communities across the country. To be able to deal with this epidemic effectively it is important to increase knowledge and decrease the stigma related to this disease. The IHS National HIV/AIDS Program is excited to provide this new online format for learning about HIV/AIDS in American Indian and Alaska Natives communities and extending the reach of our message.
  • IHS Fact Sheet: HIV/AIDS - American Indians and Alaska Natives experience an elevated rate of new infections of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) when compared with White and Asian/Pacific Islander populations.
  • Native. Tested. Proud. Campaign - Downloadable resources promoting routine HIV Testing for American Indians and Alaska Natives developed by a nationwide group of American Indian / Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian partners and community members, who sought to develop a Native-specific media campaign promoting routine HIV testing.

Last revised: 06/01/2012