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Data Table Criminal Victimization in the United States -- Statistical Tables, 2005

December 1, 2006    NCJ 215244

The datasets used to generate published estimates for the 2005 and 2006 Criminal Victimization bulletins and statistical tables were found to contain improper weights for the population. Preliminary analysis of the corrected dataset for 2005 shows the violent crime rate at 21.1 (instead of 21.2) and the property crime rate at 154.2 (instead of 154.0). The 2005 and 2006 bulletins, along with all related files, have been removed from the BJS website and are being updated for re-release in the near future.  


Part of the Criminal Victimization in the United States Series

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About the Source Data
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

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